Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2001/2002

Date: 15 January 2002

Venue: Room 135 Parliament Buildings

The Committee met at 10.05am in private session.

  1. Chairman's Introduction
  2. The Chairman welcomed members to the twenty-second meeting of the Committee and wished them a happy and prosperous New Year.

  3. Apologies
  4. Apologies received from Sir J Gorman, Dr D O'Hagan and Mr J Wells.

  5. Declaration of Interests
  6. The Chairman reminded members of their obligation to declare any relevant financial or other interests before and during each committee meeting.

  7. Minutes of proceedings of the meeting of 4 December 2001.
  8. The Committee adopted the minutes of proceedings of the meeting of 4thDecember 2001. (Proposed: Mr K McCarthy, Seconded: Mr P Berry)

  9. Matters arising from the minutes
  10. Publication of Updated Register of Members' Interests.

    Members were reminded that the third edition of the Register of Members' Interests had been published just before Christmas and is available for inspection in the Principal Clerk's room and in the Library. The Register may also be inspected on the Assembly's web site.

    The Clerk confirmed that all Members had completed a new Members' Interests Registration Form and advised that a 'Nil Return' indicated that the Member considered that he/she had no relevant interests to declare.

    Dr I Adamson joined the meeting at 10.09 a.m.

    Appointment of Assembly Commissioner for Standards.

    Members noted a minute of 12 December 2001 from the Principal Clerk to all Assembly Members advising of the interim arrangements for the investigation of complaints against Members by the Northern Ireland Assembly Ombudsman.

    The Committee also noted a letter of 21 December 2001 from the First and Deputy First Ministers to the Speaker. In this, the First and Deputy First Ministers agreed to initiate a review of the Office of the Northern Ireland Assembly Ombudsman with a view to bringing forward legislation to make the role of Commissioner for Standards a statutory function of the Ombudsman's Office.

    Mr Tom Frawley, the Northern Ireland Assembly Ombudsman and Mr John MacQuarrie, the Deputy Northern Ireland Assembly Ombudsman joined the meeting at 10.11 a.m.

    The Chairman welcomed Mr Frawley and Mr MacQuarrie to the meeting and invited Mr Torney, Principal Clerk, to outline the procedures developed for the handling of complaints against Assembly Members.

    The Principal Clerk briefed the Committee in relation to three main areas:

    Complaints not falling within the scope of "The Code of Conduct and the Guide to the Rules Relating to the Conduct of Members."

    Complaints falling within the scope of "The Code of Conduct and the Guide to the Rules Relating to the Conduct of Members", considered to be trivial or vexatious or not upheld and requiring only preliminary investigation.

    Complaints falling within the scope of "The Code of Conduct and the Guide to the Rules Relating to the Conduct of Members" and requiring detailed investigation.

    A question and answer session followed and members requested that any further guidance notes should highlight the possible need to review procedures for the handling of complaints in light of experience.

    The Chairman invited Mr Frawley and Mr MacQuarrie to make a presentation to the Committee.

    Mr Frawley addressed the members in relation to his role as a resource for the Committee in the investigation of complaints against Assembly Members for an interim period. He highlighted the need for mutual trust and confidence between the Committee and his Office.

    Mr MacQuarrie briefed m embers on the specific arrangements for the investigation of complaints, in particular the handling and security of papers. An invitation was issued to members to visit the Office of the Northern Ireland Assembly Ombudsman.

    Dr I Adamson left the meeting at 10.44 a.m.

    The Chairman thanked Mr Frawley and Mr MacQuarrie for their helpful and informative presentation.

    Mr Frawley and Mr MacQuarrie left the meeting at 10.51 a.m.

    Members agreed that the investigation of complaints against Assembly Members should be handled as outlined by the Principal Clerk. The Committee also approveda draft Press Notice relating to the independent investigation of complaints against Assembly Members and agreed that it should issue on Thursday 17 January.

    Complaints received by the Clerk of Standards

    Members agreed that three outstanding complaints should now be forwarded to the Assembly Ombudsman for possible investigation.

  11. Any Other Business.
  12. Members instructed the Clerk to accept an offer from Sir Nigel Wicks, the Chairman of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, to come to the Assembly to give a presentation on the work of his Committee.

  13. Date and Time of Next Meeting.
  14. The Committee provisionally agreed to meet on Tuesday 29 January 2002 in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.

    The meeting concluded at 11.10 a.m.

    Mr Donovan McClelland MLA

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