Mr D Kennedy (Chairman)
Mr S Wilson (Deputy Chairman)
Mrs E Bell
Mr J Fee
Mr T Gallagher
Mr O Gibson
Mr G McHugh
Mr K Robinson

In Attendance:
Mrs C Darrah
Mrs V Artt
Miss J Adair
Ms C Angelone
Ms Alison Montgomery (Assembly Research Directorate for items 4, 5, 6 and 7)

The Committee met at 10.25 a.m. in private session.


  • Minutes of the Meeting of 13 September 2001

The minutes of the meeting of 13 September 2001 were agreed.


  • Matters arising from the Minutes of Proceedings

  1. Copies of the Chairman's letter to the Minister of Education regarding the progress being made towards achieving the objectives and targets in the Department's Public Service Agreement had been circulated.


  • Chairman's Business

    1. The Chairman advised members that the Committee for the Environment had published a Report on Transport used for Children Travelling to and from School.

A number of recommendations in the report fell to the Department of Education and the five Education and Library Boards, the Committee agreed to write seeking views and comments on the implications, financial and otherwise, of these to enable members to consider the issues being raised. The Committee also agreed that the Chairman should to write to the Chairman of the Committee for the Environment regarding the Report.

    1. Information from the Department of Education indicating the pressures and easements identified in the September Monitoring Round had been circulated. Members agreed to consider the matter further when the outcome of the Monitoring Round had been announced by the Minister of Finance and Personnel.

Mr Robinson joined the meeting at 10.35 a.m.

  1. Members agreed that a number of research papers commissioned by the Committee from the Assembly Research Directorate should be published on the Intranet.
  2. The Chairman advised members that he had received a letter from the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education regarding the Committee's consultation on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula. The Committee agreed that the Chairman should respond to the Council on behalf of the Committee.
  3. The Committee agreed that a written paper highlighting the budget issues within the context of the Programme for Government, from the Assembly Research Directorate rather than an oral briefing would be useful.


  • Evidence Session with the Council for Catholic Maintained Schools (CCMS) and the Governing Bodies Association (GBA) on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula - Public Session

Mrs Bell joined the meeting at 11.05 a.m.

As part of the Committee's consideration of the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula, the Chairman welcomed Mr Flanagan, Chief Executive and Mr McArdle, Deputy Chief Executive of CCMS and Mr Miskelly, Clerk and Mr McCallion, Deputy Chairman of the GBA to the meeting. They gave oral evidence on the CCMS and GBA submissions to the Committee on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula and this was followed by a short question and answer session. Areas discussed included:

  • Teachers Salaries
  • Targeting Social Need Factor
  • Pupil weightings: Primary v Post Primary
  • Buildings and Grounds
  • The possibility of the proposals creating a system which will assist Boards, Principals, teachers etc. to improve the learning of all pupils.

Mr Wilson left the meeting at 11.25 a.m.

Hansard recorded the evidence session for publication in due course.


  • Evidence Session with Primary School Principals on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula

Mr Wilson rejoined the meeting at 11.55 a.m. and Mr Fee joined the meeting at 11.58 a.m.

As part of the Committee's consideration of the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula, the Chairman welcomed Mr Lombard, Ms Houston, Mr McCrudden, Ms Ferguson and Ms Andrews to the meeting. They gave oral evidence on the implications of the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula and this was followed by a short question and answer session. The main issues discussed included:

  • The size and characteristics of their school
  • Their experience of operating the current LMS scheme and the benefits/difficulties encountered
  • The implications the proposed changes may have for their type of school
  • The possibility of the proposals establishing a fair and transparent system , easy to operate and understand

Mrs Bell left the meeting at 12.25 p.m.

Hansard recorded the evidence for publication in due course.


  • Evidence Session with the Belfast Education and Library Board on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula

As part of the Committee's consideration of the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula, the Chairman welcomed Mr Cargo, Chief Executive, Mr Megaughin, Chief Finance Officer and Mr Todd, Assistant Senior Education Officer of the Belfast Education and Library Board to the meeting. They gave oral evidence on the Belfast Education and Library Boards submission to the Committee on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula and this was followed by a short question and answer session. The areas discussed included:

  • The Low and High ASB Models
  • Targeting Social Need
  • Treatment of Teachers Salaries
  • The possibility of the proposals creating a system which will assist Boards, Principals, teachers etc. to improve the learning of all pupils according to their needs

Hansard recorded the evidence for publication in due course.


  • Evidence Session with Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula

Mr Gallagher left the meeting at 1.20 p.m.

As part of the Committee's consideration of the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula, the Chairman welcomed Mr Ó Muireagain, Development Officer, Mr MacCionnaith, Principal and Mr Gribben, Principal to the meeting. They gave oral evidence on Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta's submission to the Committee on the Proposals for a Common Funding Formula and this was followed by a short question and answer session. The areas discussed included:

  • The proposal that Irish Medium schools should receive an extra amount in addition to their AWPU allocation and how this should be calculated
  • The creation of an Irish-Medium Unit factor in the proposals
  • The cost involved in the translation of material and the possible benefits a central unit, to facilitate translation, would have on costs
  • The possible changes in the areas of responsibility currently divided between ELBS and schools under the new arrangements

Hansard recorded the evidence for publication in due course.

The meeting returned to private session at 1.50 p.m.


  • Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Tuesday 25 September at 11.15 a.m. in Room 144, Parliament Buildings. A meeting of the Committee will also take place on Thursday 27 September at 10.15 a.m. in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.


  • Any other business

The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee thanked Ms Joanne Adair for her hard work during her time with the Committee and wished her well in her new post.

The meeting closed at 1.55 p.m.

Committee Chairman