Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2012/2013

Date: 13 January 2013

Venue: Room 135

1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.

2. Matters Arising

(i) The Chairman informed members that further discussions are taking place with Machinery of Government Branch regarding Committee consideration of Statutory Rules.

(ii) The Chairman advised members that the Clerk of Committees had examined the schedule of Statutory Committee meetings and he would be writing to Members about this matter.    

(iii) Agreed: The Committee will defer consideration of the invitation from Boston College.

(iv) Agreed: The Clerk will make preliminary enquiries regarding a programme of visits to educational establishments.

(v) The Department of Education had provided information on the Capital Building Programme for the last five financial years and on the current year's proposals and this had been circulated to members. The Chairman reminded members that the information on the current proposals was not in the public domain and therefore strictly confidential.

(vi) Agreed: This was an important issue and the current proposals will be assessed and discussed by members at the next Committee meeting on Thursday 20 January.

(vii) Agreed: The Minister will be invited to attend a meeting of the Committee on Friday 21 January to discuss his proposals for the current year's Capital Building programme and to hear Committee members views on these.

3. Presentation by Representatives of the Education and Library Boards

Mr Gordon Topping, Chief Executive of the North Eastern Education and Library Board, and Mr Joseph Martin, Chief Executive of the Western Education and Library Board, gave a presentation on the work of the Education and Library Boards referring in particular to the role and functions of the Boards and their key priorities. This was followed by a question and answer session. The issues covered included the cost of administration and underachievement in schools.

4. Presentation by CCMS

Mr Donal Flanagan, Mr Sean McGuickin and Mr Dermot Mullan gave a presentation on the work of the Council emphasising the key issues and priorities. A question and answer session followed. The areas covered included research into underachievement, local responsibility and the provision of support for this.

5. Presentation by CCEA

Mr Derek Weir and Mr Alastair Walker outlined the responsibilities of the CCEA and highlighted the main issues facing the Council. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The main issues covered included forms of assessment including baseline assessment and pre-school education.

6. Presentation on Youth Services

Department of Education officials briefed Committee members on the work of the Youth Services and the current issues and priorities facing it. This was followed by a question and answer session. The main areas covered included funding and the shortage of volunteers.

7. Chairman's Business

(i) The Chairman informed Committee members that he had issued a press release in response to the Minister's announcement of funding for Ulidia Integrated College and the Millennium Primary School.

(ii) The Chairman advised members that he had replied to the Minister's letter indicating that the Committee was content that he refers the issues outlined in his letter to the Committee at the appropriate time.

(iii) Copies of the first New Targeting Social Need Annual Report "Vision into Practice" were available and would be distributed to members.

(iv) The Chairman informed members that a draft Ministerial Code was currently being considered by the Executive. This Code will provide instructions to all Departments regarding informing relevant Assembly Members when a Minister makes a Departmentally-related visit to their constituency.

8. Date of Next Meeting

The Committee will meet on Thursday 20 January 2000 at 10.30 am in Room 135, Parliament Buildings and on Friday 21 January 2000 at 10.30 am in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

9. Any Other Business

Agreed: The Committee wished to receive a list of the Minister's public engagements (both prospectively and retrospectively). The Chairman will raise the matter with the Minister at the meeting on 21 January.