Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2000/2001

Date: 24 May 2001

In attendance for a presentation at 10:20am: Proposed Statutory Rule 'Fisheries (Tagging and Log Book) Byelaws (Northern Ireland) 2001 - Mr David Houston, Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure and Mr Brian Finn, Fisheries Conservancy Board.

In attendance for public evidence session at 10:30am: Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - Museums and Galleries Northern Ireland - Mr Mike Houlihan, Chief Executive and Ms Linda Ballard, Executive and Policy Assistant.

In attendance for public evidence session at 11:10am: Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - School of Archaeology and Palaeoecology - Professor Gerry McCormac, Head of School, Dr Colm Donnelly, Archaeology Project Officer, Dr Finbar McCormick, Lecturer and Ms Sarah Gormley, Research Assistant.

The meeting opened in public at 10:20am.

1. Chairperson's business

1.1 The Chairperson reminded members that the visit to W5 would take place between 12: and 2:00pm. The Committee agreed a Press Statement.

Dr Adamson joined the meeting at 10:24am..

1.2 The Committee discussed the imminent closure of the Navan Centre and agreed that the Committee would ask the Minister, the Department of the Environment and the Board Chairman to meet with it as a matter of urgency to see what can be done to protect this important facility. The Committee agreed a Press Statement.

Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 10:33am.

1.3 The Committee discussed the effect of restrictions associated with Foot and Mouth Disease on angling clubs. Members agreed to respond to Mr Harold Avery noting his concerns regarding unnecessary restrictions and advising that the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure and the Committee are being guided by and co-operating with the Department of Agriculture and Rural development.

Mr Agnew joined the meeting at 10:37am.

1.4 The Committee agreed to write to the Minister asking him to address those unanswered issues which the Chairperson had raised during the Soccer Strategy debate on Monday 21 May 2001.

2. Minutes of meeting of 22 May 2001

2.1 Minutes of the meeting were agreed subject to an amendment -"Dr Adamson left the meeting at 12:00noon" should read "Dr Adamson joined the meeting at 12:00noon".

3. Matters arising

3.1 Para 1.3 - Members agreed a response to Mr Molloy, the Chairperson of Finance and Personnel Committee concerning the new format of estimates and budgetary process.

4. Proposed Statutory Rule - Fisheries (Tagging and Log Book) Byelaws (NI) 2001

4.1 Mr Brian Finn, Fisheries Conservancy Board and Mr David Houston, Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure made a presentation to the Committee and answered a range of questions posed by members. The Committee was content with the proposal to make the Statutory Rule.

5. Public evidence session - Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - Museums and Galleries Northern Ireland (MAGNI)

5.1 MAGNI gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on the Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry.

Mr Davis left the meeting at 11:30am.
Mr Hilditch left the meeting at 11:40am.
Mr Wilson left the meeting at 11:49am

6. Public evidence session - Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - QUB School of Archaeology and Paleoecology

6.1 The School of Archaeology and Paleoecology gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on the Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry.

7. Date of the next meeting

7.1 The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Thursday 14 June 2001 at 10:15am in Room 152.

The meeting closed at 12:20pm.

E ONeill