Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2000/2001

Date: 22 February 2001

In attendance for a presentation and question and answer session at 11:00am: Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure:- Dr Eddie Rooney, Director of Policy and Development Unit and Ms Pat McAlister, Head of Linguistic Diversity Branch.

The meeting opened, in public at, 10.20am.

1. Chairperson's business

1.1 The Committee approved the attendance of the following members and staff on the study visit to Boston from 25 March to 1 April 2001: - Dr Adamson, Mr Agnew, Mr Hilditch, Mr McCarthy, Mr McMenamin, Mr ONeill, Ms Gordon and Mrs Gregg. Members were reminded that two photographs were required for their visas.

1.2 Members received copies of the seven submissions received to date on the inquiry into Cultural Tourism and the Arts.

Mrs Nelis joined the meeting at 10:22am.

1.3 Members were advised that the Joint Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation would be unable to visit Belfast in March 2001.

Agreed - that the visit would be rescheduled after the Easter recess.

1.4 Members received material highlighting a number of issues relating to each of the venues in the proposed European Cities visit.

Agreed - that members would consider and discuss at the meeting on 1 March 2001.

1.5 The Chairperson reminded members that 28 February 2001 would be the final date when full refunds could be obtained for those members who had booked places at the World Canals Conference on 16-18 May 2001.

Mr McElduff joined the meeting at 10:28am.
Dr Adamson joined the meeting at 10:29am.

1.6 The Chairperson advised members that DCAL and DARD jointly proposed to make a Statutory Rule to revoke the Assistance to Fish Farming Scheme (NI) 1973 and that the DARD Committee proposed that CAL should take the lead at the consideration stage of the Rule.

Agreed - that CAL would take the lead.

1.7 The Chairperson advised members that he had received a reply from the Chairperson of the Committee for the Environment in response to the letters sent to Chairpersons in respect of the Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry.

Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 10:30am.
Mr Wilson joined the meeting at 10:30am.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

2.1 The minutes of the meetings of 15 February were agreed.

3. Matters arising

3.1 Members were informed that Bob Zeller, Manager of the Belfast Giants would attend the meeting on 15 March 2001.

3.2 Members were advised that the project on the History of the Irish Parliament was not associated with the commemoration of the Act of Union. It had been underway for a number of years and had now reached publication stage. The project had been overseen by the Ulster History Foundation and jointly funded by DCAL (£35k) and the Republic of Ireland.

Mr Agnew joined the meeting at 10:34am.

3.3 Members were advised that although the dispute between Bann System and the Ulster Coarse Fishing Federation had been resolved a response from Bann System would be tabled.

3.4 Agreed - that the Amateur Boxing Board would be invited to appear before the Committee.

3.5 Agreed - that the Committee office would establish why some members and not others received invitations to a recent Football reception which was hosted by the Minister in Parliament Buildings.

3.6 Agreed - that members would visit Football Clubs in Scotland and England which had benefited from the Taylor Report and also visit Croke Park in Dublin.

4. Unlocking Creativity

4.1 Agreed - a draft letter for issue.

5. NI Museums Council's Draft New TSN Action Plan

5.1 Agreed - a draft letter for issue.

Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 10:49am.

6. Report of Promoting Social Inclusion Working Group on Travellers

6.1 Agreed - that members would send comments on the Report to the Committee office by 27 February. A draft response would be prepared for consideration at the meeting on 1 March 2001 which would include comment in respect of establishing a central contact point for the travelling community.

7. Any other business

7.1 Agreed - that the Committee office would ask the Department if there has been a change in policy to make the minutes of Museums and Galleries Northern Ireland (MAGNI) meetings unavailable to staff and the public.

7.2 Agreed - that the Committee office would write to the Department, referring to the letter of 10 July 2000 to Cathie White which gave the Minister's assurance that the Committee would be advised of appointments to Public Bodies, as this would appear not to be taking place.

7.3 Agreed - that the Committee would invite the Northern Ireland Tourist Board to give a demonstration of their website and would remind them that the Committee wished to see the final drafts of the four new regional and generic angling guides that the Board is currently compiling.

7.4 The Committee Clerk provided an update on the two pollution incidents at the Marble Arch Hatchery on Lough Melvin.

8. Presentation by representatives of the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure at 11:00am followed by a question and answer session

8.1 The delegation outlined the progress on the range of languages and informed the Committee of their future plans.

8.2 The delegation answered a series of questions put by members.

8.3 A suggestion was raised by a member that the Committee should consider inviting Maíghréad Uí Mhairtín, F.na Gaeilge and Lord Laird of Artigarvan,

The public session ended at 12:10pm.
The private session commenced at 12:13pm.

9. Committee Inquiry into Inland Fisheries in Northern Ireland

9.1 The Committee discussed and agreed a number of issues relating to the report on Inland Fisheries in Northern Ireland.

Mr Hilditch left the meeting at 12:41pm.
Mr Shannon left the meeting at 12:53pm.
Mr Agnew left the meeting at 12:54pm.

Ms Higgins elaborated on the contents of the report.

9.2 The second draft report, incorporating changes ordered by members at their meeting on 15 February 2001, was read paragraph by paragraph.

Paragraphs 1- 9 (Executive Summary) read and agreed.
Paragraphs 1.1- 1.5 read and agreed.
Paragraphs 2.1- 2.3 read and agreed.
Paragraphs 3.1- 3.8 read and agreed.
Paragraphs 4.1- 4.23 read and agreed.
Paragraphs 5.1- 5.13 read and agreed.
Paragraphs 6.1- 6.16 read and agreed.
Paragraph 6.17 read, amended and agreed.
Paragraphs 7.1- 7.7.4 read and agreed.
Paragraph 7.5 read, amended and agreed.
Paragraphs 7.6- 7.9 read and agreed.
Paragraph 7.10 read, amended and agreed.
Paragraphs 7.11- 7.12 read and agreed.
Paragraph 7.13 read, amended and agreed.
Paragraphs 7.14- 7.18 read and agreed.
Paragraphs 8.1- 8.7 read and agreed.
Paragraphs 9.1- 9.24 read and agreed.
Paragraphs 10.1- 14 read and agreed.
Paragraphs 11.1- 67 read and agreed.

9.3 Agreed - that the Report as amended be the Second Report of the Culture, Arts and Leisure Committee to the Assembly and that it should be printed.

The meeting closed at 1:15pm.

E ONeill