Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2000/2001

Date: 21 June 2001

In attendance for discussion on the Department's Spending Plans 2002-2003 and the closure of the Navan Centre at 11:00am: Mr Michael McGimpsey MLA, Minister of Culture, Arts and Leisure, Dr Aideen McGinley, Permanent Secretary, Mr Nigel Carson, Director and Mr Noel Redmond, Principal Officer, Finance.

In attendance for a presentation on the Special Olympics World SummerGames 2003 at 12:00noon: Mrs Mary Davis, Chief Executive of the World Summer Games 2003 and Mrs Evelyn Greer, World Board Member.

The meeting opened in public at 10:20am.

1. Chairperson's business

Mrs Nelis joined the meeting at 10:21am.

1.1. Members were referred to two letters from the Minister setting out the Department's proposals and timetable for review of public libraries in Northern Ireland.

1.2. Members received copies of letters from Randalstown Angling Club and Hillmount Properties Limited for information.

1.3. The Chairperson advised members of a letter from WWF Northern Ireland expressing support for the Committee's report on Inland Fisheries in Northern Ireland.

Mr McElduff joined the meeting at 10:32am.

2. Minutes of meeting of 19 June 2001

2.1. Minutes of the meeting were agreed.

3. Matters arising

3.1. The Committee Office undertook to establish the precise legislative restrictions on the Committee's powers to investigate decisions by Departments pre-devolution.

4. Forthcoming legislation by Department of Culture, Media and Sport

4.1. Members were asked to note that the Minister proposes to agree to a proposal, which currently covers books only, to extend the principle of legal deposit in the British Library and a number of others, to non-print material.

5. FCB proposals to control salmon exploitation

Members were asked to note that agreement has been reached between the FCB, angling representatives and commercial netsmen on the introduction of restrictions on salmon exploitation. The proposed legislation will come before the Committee for scrutiny at a later date.

6. Minister's response on licence to farm Arctic Char at Ballyarton

6.1. Members were referred to the Minister's letter which sets out the background to the issuing of the licence and indicates that, having examined the position again, he continues to consider that there would be little chance of successfully revoking the licence. Members agreed that the letter would be acknowledged noting the position.

7. European visit

7.1. Final arrangements were discussed for the study visit to Paris and Barcelona.

The meeting adjourned at 10:45am.

The meeting reconvened at 11:00am in private session.

8. Discussion with the Minister and Departmental Officials on the Department's Spending Plans for 2002/2003 and the closure of the Navan Centre

8.1. The Minister and his officials discussed the Department's Spending Plans for 2002/2003 and the closure of the Navan Centre in Armagh. The Minister undertook to provide full details of its bids, together with the rationale underpinning them, to the Committee as a matter of urgency and to ensure that a senior official liaises with the Committee Clerk about arrangements for the future.

9. Presentation by the World Special Olympics Committee

The delegation from the World Special Olympics Committee gave a presentation on the World Special Olympics to be held in Ireland in 2003. The delegation emphasised that this was the first time that this event would be taking place outside the USA.

Mr Shannon left the meeting at 12:58pm.

Dr Adamson left the meeting at 12:58pm.

10. Any other business

10.1. Members were referred to documentation received from the Northern Ireland Branch of the Inland Waterways Association of Ireland making the Committee aware of the proposal by Banbridge District Council to erect a temporary low-level bridge over the Newry Canal at Scarva, the design of which would not provide sufficient air-draft. Members agreed that a letter should issue to the Minister drawing the matter to his attention. It was also agreed that the Inland Waterways Association of Ireland should be advised of the action taken by the Committee.

11. Date of next meeting

11.1. The next meeting of the Committee will take place at 10:15am on Tuesday 3 July 2001 in Room 152.

The meeting closed at 1:20pm.

E ONeill