Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2000/2001

Date: 14 June 2001

In attendance for public evidence session at 10:30am: Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - Ulster Historical Foundation - Dr WH Crawford, Vice Chairperson, Dr B Trainor, Research Director and Mr F Mullan, Executive Director.

In attendance for public evidence session at 11:10am: Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry -
Omagh District Council - Mr F Sweeney, Head of Arts and Tourism, Mr Danny McSorley, Chief Executive, Cllr R McKelvey and Cllr S Shields.

In attendance for public evidence session at 11:50am: Cultural tourism and the Arts Inquiry - Gael Linn - Mr F Mac An Fhailigh, Manager of Cultural Schemes Northern Ireland, 
Mr R Ó Ciaráin, Regional Officer, Mr H Ó Brian, Chief Executive and Daithí Ó Duffaigh, Head of Arts.

In attendance for public evidence session at 2:00pm: Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - Irish Genealogy Ltd, Mr Eamonn Rossi, Chief Executive, Ms Grace Greer, Director, Armagh Ancestry and Mr Brian Mitchell, Londonderry Genealogy Centre.

In attendance for public evidence session at 2:40pm: Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - Belfast Festival at Queen's - Ms Margaret McKee - Sales Manager.

The meeting opened, in public, at 11:00am.
Mr McElduff joined the meeting at 11:10am.
Mr Wilson joined the meeting at 11:24am.

1. Public evidence session - Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - Ulster Historical Foundation

1.1 The Ulster Historical Foundation gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on the Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry.

Mr McCarthy left the meeting at 11:20am.

2. Public evidence session - Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - Omagh District Council

2.1 Omagh District Council gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on the Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry.

3. Public evidence session - Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - Gael Linn

3.1 Gael Linn gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on the Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry.

4. Chairperson's business

4.1 Members were advised that if they had any new financial interests as a result of the Westminster or local government elections, they must declare them in accordance with paragraph 48 of the "Guide to the Rules relating to the Conduct of Members".

4.2 Members agreed that a submission from the Independent Professional Theatre Lobby group should be accepted as evidence to the Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry and that the group should be called to give oral evidence as part of the inquiry.

4.3 Members were asked to confirm attendance with the Committee Office by 5pm on 14 June 2001 in respect of the invitation from the Minister to the launch of "A Vision for Arts and Culture in NI".

5. Minutes of meeting of 24 May 2001

5.1 Minutes of the meeting were agreed.

6. Matters arising

6.1 Para 1.2: Request to meet the Minister re closure of the Navan Centre - Members agreed that the subject should be addressed during the forthcoming meeting with the Minister on Thursday 21 June 2001.

6.2 Para 4.1: Proposed Fisheries (Tagging and Logbook) Byelaws (NI) 2001 - Members noted that the Department has written to advise that it will be conducting an assessment of the new arrangements at the end of the year, November/December period, and that a report will be issued to the Committee at that time.

7. Departmental Budget 2002-2003

7.1 Members were advised that the First and Deputy First Ministers and the Minister of Finance and Personnel are to make statements on the 2002-2003 Programme for Government and Departmental Budget allocations on Tuesday 19 June 2001. Departmental Committees will, therefore, have only a few weeks for initial consideration of PfG and Budget issues before summer recess, in preparation for the detailed scrutiny process in the autumn. All Departments have so far declined to provide Committees with details of their spending proposals in advance of the 19 June statements. The Chairpersons' Liaison Group has taken the matter up with the Head of the Civil Service. The Minister and his officials are to attend the Committee's meeting on Thursday 21 June to discuss the Department's Budget proposals.

7.2 Members were asked to note that training on government finance and the budget process will be provided for all Assembly Members and that Wednesday 12 September is a possible date for training to take place.

8. Ulster Orchestra Concert at The 2001 Proms

8.1 Members agreed that the Chairperson would represent the Committee at the Ulster Orchestra Concert in the Albert Hall at the 2001 Proms.

9. Draft response to the Department on Small Hydro Electric Schemes - Impact on River Fisheries in Northern Ireland

9.1 Members agreed the response to the Department.

9.2 The Committee Office undertook to check the position regarding the publicising of this response.

10. Update on European visit

10.1 Members were advised that attendance must be confirmed as flights need to be booked. An outline programme was circulated to members.

Mr Shannon left the meeting at 1:06pm.
The meeting adjourned at 1:06pm.
The meeting reconvened at 1:57pm.
Dr Adamson joined the meeting at 2:00pm

11. Public evidence session - Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - Irish Genealogy Ltd

11.1 Irish Genealogy Ltd gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on the Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry.

12. Public evidence session - Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - Belfast Festival at Queen's

12.1 Belfast Festival at Queen's gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on the Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry.

13. Any other business

13.1 Members agreed that the Chairperson would write to members before the next meeting to underline the importance of timely arrival at meetings and notifying the Committee Clerk in all cases about non-attendance.

14. Date of the next meeting

14.1 The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Tuesday 19 June 2001 at 10:15am in Room 144.

The meeting closed at 3:05pm.

M Nelis
Deputy Chairperson