Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2000/2001

Date: 12 October 2000

In attendance for public evidence session at 11:00am: DRD - Water Service Agency - Mr W Duddy, Mr H Thompson, Dr G Alexander and Mr D McCrumb

In attendance for public evidence session at 12:00noon: DARD - Rivers Agency - Mr M Hamilton and Mr A Kirkwood

In attendance for public evidence session at 2:00pm: Demense Angling Club - Mr JS Beach and Mr A Kilpatrick

In attendance for public evidence session at 3:00pm: Fisheries Conservancy Board (NI) - Mr B Finn, Ms K Simpson, Dr D Roberts and Mr F Galbraith

The meeting opened, in private, at 10.20am

1. Chairperson's business

  1. The Chairperson reminded members of the rules of the Senate Chamber and the use of mobile phones.
  2. The Chairperson drew members attention to a press cutting from the Impartial Reporter on the subject of the Committee's visit to the Ulster canal.
  3. The Chairperson advised members of a letter that he received from Lurgan Celtic Football Club voicing the Club's concerns in respect of the refusal of their application to join the Irish Football League.
    Agreed - that the Committee should write to the Irish Football Association and seek their comments on this matter.
  4. The Chairperson advised members that he had received a letter from the Northern Ireland Karate Do Wado Kai asking to meet with the Committee. The Chairperson reminded members that the Committee had planned to meet with this Club prior to suspension.
    Agreed - that the Committee should meet with the Club in the near future.
  5. The Chairperson reminded members that the Committee is meeting on Tuesday 17 October with the Minister and Dr McGinley to discuss the Corporate Plan. The meeting will be held in public in the Senate Chamber from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm. A lunch will be provided in the Private Members Dining Room after the meeting.
  6. The Chairperson advised members that 5 submissions on Motor Cycle Road Racing had been received to date from interested parties.
    Agreed - that the Committee will discuss this issue at its meeting on 9 November. The submissions will be copied to members prior to the meeting.
  7. Agreed - that at the meeting of 19 October members will break for lunch at 1:30pm.
  8. Agreed - that the Committee will visit a commercial fish farm in Newtownstewart on 16 November.

2. Apologies

Apologies were received from Mr McElduff.

3. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed subject to an amendment being made in the last line of paragraph 9. 'October' should read 'November'.

4. Matters arising

  1. Agreed- that following receipt of the Minister's recent letter concerning his non-attendance before the Committee on 5 October the Committee should seek clarification from the Minister on the issue of Departmental Officials appearing before the Committee.
  2. Members were advised that a response from the Department had not been received on the issue of its consultation prior to the introduction of Carp to Ballyroney Lake.

Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 10:36am

5. Sports Council Northern Ireland Lottery Fund

The Chairperson advised members to consider the document carefully and respond to the Committee Clerk on any points that they wish to raise.

Agreed- that the Committee Clerk should ask for an extension on the deadline for response.

6. Fishing Inquiry

  1. The Chairperson advised members that 19 October will be the final day for oral evidence on the inquiry and that the Minister would be in attendance to give evidence.
  2. The Chairperson advised members to read the transcripts of the Minutes of Evidence carefully. Mr Shannon advised that there was a mistake in the ADSEA Minutes of Evidence ie Odyssey should read ADSEA.
  3. Agreed- that Dr Ian Winfield should be contracted as the Specialist Advisor to the Committee

7. Any other business

  1. The Committee Clerk advised the members on the content of the letter of 11 October from Mr Molloy, Chairperson of Finance and Personnel Committee.
  2. Members received copies of the Department's Budget Proposals. Mr Wilson raised the issue of the need for clarification of the Department's role in North - South Bodies.

Agreed- that the Committee Clerk should seek clarification from the Department.

The Committee moved into public session at 11:00am

8. Public evidence session - DRD - Water Service

The Water Service gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Inland Fishing.

Mr McMenamin left the meeting at 11:17am
Mr Hilditch left the meeting at 11:38am
Dr Adamson and Mr Shannon left the meeting at 11:40am
Dr Adamson and Mr Shannon rejoined the meeting at 11:45am

9. Public evidence session - DARD - Rivers Agency

The Rivers Agency gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Inland Fishing.

Mrs Nelis left the meeting at 12:30pm
Mr ONeill left the meeting at 12:35pm
Mr Wilson took the Chair at 12:35pm, proposed by Dr Adamson and seconded by Mr Agnew

The Public session ended at 12:46pm

The meeting reopened in private at 2:05pm with Mr ONeill in the Chair

The Public session recommenced at 2:12pm

10. Public evidence session - Demense Angling Club

The Demense Angling Club gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Inland Fishing.

Mr Agnew returned to the meeting at 2:17pm
Mr Wilson left the meeting at 2:19pm and returned at 2:20pm
Dr Adamson returned to the meeting at 3:00pm

11. Public evidence session - Fisheries Conservancy Board

The Fisheries Conservancy Board gave oral evidence, in public, to the Committee on its inquiry into Inland Fishing.

Mr Davis left the meeting at 3:19pm
Mr McMenamin left the meeting at 4:12pm

The public session ended at 4:15

12. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Tuesday17 October at 12:00noon in the Senate Chamber.

The meeting closed at 4:15pm

Mr E ONeill