Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2000/2001

Date: 10 May 2001

In attendance for public evidence session at 10:30am: Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - North of Ireland Band's Association - Mr Douglas Gourley, Chairperson, Mr Bill Clements, Secretary and Mr Joe Cassells, Representative to the European Brass Band Association.

In attendance for public evidence session at 11:10am: Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association - Mr John Crozier, Chairman, Mr Eddie Montgomery, Pipe Major, Mr Gordon Parks, Drum Major and Mr Nelson McCausland Vice President RSPBA & Executive Officer of Ulster Scots Heritage Council.

In attendance for public evidence session at 11:50am: Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry -Castleward Opera - Dr Roelof Schierbeek, Chairman, Mr Ian Urwin, Artistic Director and Mr Ian Lindsay, Financial Director.

The meeting opened, in public, at 10:20am.

1. Chairperson's business

1.1 The Chairperson reminded members of the visit on Thursday 24 May 2001 to W5 and confirmed who would be attending.

Mr McCarthy joined the meeting at 10:22am

1.2 Members agreed that it would be preferable to postpone the meeting in Interpoint, scheduled to take place on Thursday 31 May 2001, until after the elections.

2. Minutes of the meetings of 3 and 8 May 2001

3.1 Minutes of the meeting of 3 and 8 May 2001 were agreed.

3. Matters arising

3.1 Minutes of meeting of 3 May, para 1.3 - Special World Olympics Games 2003 -The Committee agreed that this presentation would take place after the elections.

3.2 Minutes of 3 May, para 1.9 - The Committee discussed the forthcoming European visit and confirmed those members who would be participating.

3.3 Minutes of 8 May, para 2.2 - Members agreed that there was a need for an action plan to enable the Committee to follow-up progress on the recommendations in the Report into Inland Fishing in Northern Ireland. The Chairperson suggested to members that he would meet with the Chairs of the other relevant Committees before deciding whether to write formally to the Committees about monitoring action on recommendations falling to their Departments.

Mr Agnew joined the meeting at 10:46am.

Mr McMenamin joined the meeting at 11:06am.

4. Public evidence session - Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - North of Ireland Band's Association

4.1 The North of Ireland Band's Association gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on the Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry.

Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 11:25am.

5. Public evidence session - Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association

5.1 The Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on the Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry.

Dr Adamson left the meeting at 11:35am.

6. Public evidence session - Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry - Castleward Opera

6.1 Castleward Opera gave evidence, in public, to the Committee on the Cultural Tourism and the Arts Inquiry.

Mr McCarthy left the meeting at 12:33pm.

Mr Agnew left the meeting at 12:39am.

7. Statutory Rule - Proposed Departments (Transfer of Functions) Order (NI) 2001

7.1 The Committee discussed the proposal to make the Statutory Rule and agreed that it was content.

8. Any other business

8.1 The Committee agreed that the Committee Office would ask the Department to expedite a response to the Committee's letter of 23 January 2001 on aspects of the Report of the Taskforce, which was established to examine safety issues within the sport of Motorcycle Road Racing.

8.2 The Chairperson referred members to a letter from the Social Development Committee inviting input to its Inquiry on Urban Regeneration and Community Development by 8 June 2001. Members agreed to consider and to provide input to a draft reply to the Committee Office by 31 May 2001.

8.3 The Committee agreed that it would be appropriate to write to Mr Boyce congratulating him on the organisation of the Irish Cup Final on 5 May 2001 which had the biggest supporter attendance in 30 years.

9. Date of next meeting

9.1 The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Tuesday 15 May 2001 at 10:15am in Room 152.

The meeting closed at 12:55pm.

E ONeill