Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2000/2001

Date: 09 November 1999

The meeting opened, in public, at 10:06am

1. Chairperson's business

1.1 The Chairperson reminded members of the all-day visit to Rocks Trout Farm on 16 November.

1.2 The Chairperson reminded members of the forthcoming fact-finding visit to Galway at the end of the month.

Mr Hilditch joined the meeting at 10:14am

1.3 The Chairperson outlined the possible diary commitments that would be required to discuss and agree issues about the report on the Inland Fisheries inquiry and reminded members of the importance of attending the presentation on 7 December by Dr Ian Winfield on the content of the report.

Dr Adamson left the meeting at 10:19am

1.4 The Chairperson advised members that an all-day public meeting would be held on Wednesday 22 November to scrutinise the Fisheries (Amendment) Bill and reminded members to forward any amendments to the Committee Clerk by 17 November.

1.5 Agreed - that 'Accessibility to the Arts' would be the next Committee inquiry.

2. Minutes of the last meeting

2.1 The minutes of the meeting of 7 November were agreed.

3. Matters arising

3.1 There were no matters arising.

Mr Shannon joined the meeting at 10:30am

4. DCAL Corporate Strategy Document

4.1 The Committee agreed the content of the Committee's response to the Minister on the Corporate Strategy Document.

5. IFA Response

5.1 Agreed - that the Irish Football Association's letter of 30 October would be copied to Lurgan Celtic Football Club for their comments and that the Club would be advised that the Irish Football League would be called before the Committee in the New Year to give evidence on the procedures used to approve/reject applications to join the Irish League.

6. Joint Committee for Tourism, Sport and Recreation

6.1 Agreed - that members will attend the meeting in Dublin of the Joint Committee for Tourism, Sport and Recreation on 14 December at 11:00am.

7. Motor Cycle Responses

7.1 Agreed - that the Committee Office will prepare a draft letter to the Minister incorporating a synopsis of the responses received from the Motorcycle Clubs on the subject of road racing. It was also agreed that the letter would raise the issue of how funding could be sourced to make existing facilities safer and to emphasise that small amounts of money would make a considerable impact.

8. Budget Proposals

8.1 The Committee discussed the draft Report to the Chairperson of the Finance and Personnel Committee and the draft response to the Minister. Amendments were proposed and agreed.

Agreed - the draft report to the Finance and Personnel Committee and the Minister as amended.

Mr Davis left the meeting at 11:10am

9. Programme for Government

9.1 The Committee discussed the draft response to the Minister on Programme for Government and agreed additions to the document.

Agreed - the draft response to the Minister.

10. Minister's letter of 31 October 2000

10.1 The Committee discussed the content of the Minister's letter and agreed that the Committee Office would seek clarification from the Department on the issues raised.

11. Date of next meeting

11.1 The next meeting of the Committee will take place on Wednesday 22 November at 10:15am in the Senate Chamber.

The meeting closed at 11:33am.

Mr E ONeill 