Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2001/2002

Date: 30 November 2001

Venue: Room 135

The Chairperson opened the meeting in public session at 10.06am. Mr Douglas attended the meeting at 10.07am.

1. Minutes of Proceedings on Friday 23 November 2001.

1.1. Resolved: that the draft Minutes of Proceedings for 23 November 2001 were approved.

Mr Bradley attended the meeting at 10.09am.

2. Matters Arising from the meeting on 23 November 2001.

2.1. Correspondence. Members noted letters to DARD on Farm Subsidies Review of Decisions Regulations, DARD's draft Counter Fraud Strategy and a copy of the speaking notes used by members of the Higher Education and R&D in Agriculture and Food Science Review Panel during their meeting with the Committee the previous Friday. Members also noted letters to the N.I. Fisheries Harbour Authority, N.I. Seafood, Ulster Shellfish Association, N.I. Aquaculture Council and the UFU Fish Farming Committee, seeking their views on proposed schemes under the Fisheries and Aquaculture Structures (Grants) Regulations (NI) 2001. All of these had been e-mailed to members.

2.2. Minister's meeting with farmers in Newry. Members considered, and agreed, a draft letter to the Minister requesting a copy of the minutes of the meeting the Minister had with farmers in Newry, prior to the cull in South Armagh.

Resolved: that the letter would be issued to the Minister.

2.3. DARD Counter Fraud Strategy. Members discussed the Committee's letter to DARD about the counter fraud strategy and agreed the outline contents of a press notice on this issue.

Resolved: that the Chairperson would approve the final wording and that the press notice should issue.

2.4. Higher Education and R&D in Agriculture and Food Science Review. Members considered their draft submission to the above Review.

Resolved: that the draft submission was approved and would be sent to the Review Panel.

Mr Ford attended the meeting at 10.16am.

2.5. Farm Quality Assurance Scheme. Members considered a draft letter to the Livestock and Meat Commission seeking information on the quality standards required for membership of the Farm Quality Assurance Scheme.

Resolved: that the draft letter was approved and would be issued to the Livestock and Meat Commission.

Mr Paisley Jnr attended the meeting at 10.19am.

2.6. Reports of the Examiner of Statutory Rules. Members were reminded about the authority they had delegated to the Examiner of Statutory Rules under Standing Order 41 (1) and that the Committee's main responsibility was therefore to scrutinise the policy reflected in the subordinate legislation.

Resolved: that when minuting the formal consideration of statutory rules, reference to the involvement of the Examiner of Statutory Rules should be included.

Resolved: that the Chairperson would write to the Minister highlighting the comments the Examiner of Statutory Rules made in relation to the statutory rules laid by the Department, particularly the breaking of the 21 day rule.

2.7. Examiner of Statutory Rules Second Report for 2001-2002. Members noted the report from the Examiner of Statutory Rules on Dogs (Licensing and Identification) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001 SR.No.393, The Plant Health (Wood and Bark) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001 SR.No.401 and Processed Animal Protein Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001 SR.No.405. The Examiner had no comments to make any of the rules.

2.8. Northern Ireland Institute of Agricultural Science Conference. Members noted a copy of the papers that the Deputy Chairperson had received during his attendance at the conference on Wednesday 21 November 2001.

Resolved: that the Committee would write to the Department asking for the number of part-time and full-time farmers that are leaving the industry in Northern Ireland compared to those in other parts of the United Kingdom.

Mr McHugh attended the meeting at 10.26am.

3. Natural Resource Rural Tourism.

3.1. Members concluded their deliberations on the DARD Natural Resource Rural Tourism Initiative, noting that the approach taken to the designation of target areas has a robust rationale; the partnership approach would appear to be an appropriate vehicle for delivering the NRRT aims and objectives; the criteria for the selection process of partnerships are clearly presented; and that agreement of a strategy has been reached among the other departments, agencies and user groups of the natural environment, including the Northern Ireland Tourist Board (NITB).

Resolved: that the Committee would issue a press notice welcoming the announcement of four local partnerships to deliver the Natural Resource Rural Tourism Initiative.

Resolved: that the Committee would seek the agreement of the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment (ETI) to write to the NITB, via the ETI Minister, to invite their officials to meet the Committee to discuss their policies and strategies in relation to rural tourism.

4. Statutory Rules.

4.1. SR 401/01 - Plant Health (Wood and Bark) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001. The Committee, having examined the regulations in draft on 9 November 2001, formally considered this Rule.

Question put and agreed:

That the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development has considered the Plant Health (Wood and Bark) (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001 and has no objection to the Rule.

4.2. SR 405/01 - Processed Animal Protein Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001. The Committee, having considered the results of the consultation on 11 May 2001, examined the regulations in draft on 5 October 2001, formally considered this Rule.

Question put and agreed:

That the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development has considered the Processed Animal Protein Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001 and has no objection to the Rule.

4.3. SR 411/01 - Sheep Annual Premium (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001. The Committee, having examined the regulations in draft on 23 November 2001, formally considered this Rule. Mr Ford declared an interest.

Question put and agreed, subject to the Examiner's Report:

That the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development has considered the Sheep Annual Premium (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001 and has no objection to the Rule.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 10.54am. The Chairperson resumed the meeting at 11.02am with Messrs Bradley, Douglas, Ford, Kane, McHugh, Paisley Jnr and Savage present.

5. TB/Brucellosis Policy Review.

5.1. The Chairperson welcomed DARD officials Mr Stewart Johnston (Grade 5), Mr Johnston Given (Grade 7) and Dr George McIlroy (DCVO) to the meeting at 11.03am and invited Mr Johnston to make a statement. Mr Douglas declared an interest.

5.2. Mr Johnston's statement referred to the unexpected high number of TB/Brucellosis cases in January and February 2001; the suspension of testing of animals for TB/Brucellosis from March 2001 to September 2001 due to foot and mouth disease; the consultation they have been having with their counterparts in the Republic of Ireland on how they cope with TB/Brucellosis; and that the Review Group hopes to publish its Report in March 2002.

Mr Armstrong returned to the meeting at 11.12am. Mr Dallat returned to the meeting at 11.17am.

5.3. The officials then answered questions from members on a number of topics including the 12-month delay in publishing the Report; the number of herds that have tested positive for TB/Brucellosis; the length of time it takes the Department to react to new cases; the possibility of TB being spread by wildlife; whether a vaccine was available; the costs incurred for administration and compensation; whether some farmers are deliberately infecting their herds with brucellosis; the possibility of electronic tagging being introduced; the possibility of both diseases being fully eradicated; and the comparison of positive cases between Northern Ireland and other European countries.

Messrs Ford and Paisley Jnr left the meeting at 11.49am and returned at 12.00pm.

5.1. The Chairperson thanked the officials and they left the meeting at 12.04pm.

5.2. Resolved: that the Committee would write to DARD requesting details of the costs of TB/Brucellosis administration and requesting a further update in February/March 2002, to show actual progress in eradicating TB/Brucellosis.

The Chairperson declared the meeting closed to the public at 12.05pm.

6. The Future of the European Meat Industry - Conference.

6.1. The Chairperson welcomed Mr Kevin Pelan, from the Assembly Research Services, to the meeting at 12.05pm and invited him to make an opening statement.

6.2. Mr Pelan, who had attended the conference in Brussels on behalf of, but not representing, the Committee, gave a report on the event, referring to a paper he had prepared for members, and to relevant aspects of the Vision Group report. Mr Pelan advised that the conference had highlighted the Europe-wide decline in the consumption of meat; lack of consumer confidence in the product; and the future focus on meat safety and hygiene. He reported that the New Zealand system that ensures that meat can be traced through all links in the food chain from farm to retail outlet would appear to be well ahead of other countries in promoting consumer confidence in the safety of their meat and meat products. Mr Pelan then answered questions from members.

Mr Dallat left the meeting at 12.23pm.

Resolved: that the researcher would be asked to prepare a report on the conference for publication, and to investigate and report to the Committee on related EC legislative proposals.

Resolved: that the Committee would, at the appropriate time, issue a press notice related to the publication of the researcher's report.

6.3. The Chairperson thanked Mr Pelan and he left the meeting at 12.34pm.

The Chairperson declared the meeting open to the public at 12.35pm.

7. EU Structural Funds.

7.1. Members noted updates on the LEADER + programme, where 13 eligible applications are being considered, that included details of criteria and procedures for the selection of Local Action Groups and appeals procedure. Members also noted that the INTERREG III programme was submitted to the EC for consideration on 7 November 2001.

Resolved: that DARD would be asked to supply further information on the INTERREG III programme when available.

8. Any Other Business.

8.1. Committee of the Centre: European Inquiry. Members considered the request from the Committee of the Centre for input to its Inquiry into the current approach of the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Devolved Government in the engagement of Northern Ireland with the institutions of the European Union. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the Committee would write to DARD to ask what percentage of its total budget is European funding and how often the Minister attends, and speaks at, European Council of Ministers meetings.

Resolved: that the Clerk will draw up a draft response to the Committee of the Centre, based on members' discussion, for consideration at the next meeting.

8.2. Escape of Farmed Salmon at Glenarm. Members noted the Minister's response on new containment measures, inspections, the development of a contingency plan, and the elimination of remaining escapees.

Resolved: that the Committee would copy its correspondence with the Minister to the Chairperson of the Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure for information.

8.3. Accommodation Review. Members noted correspondence from the Committee for Finance and Personnel advising that a review of each Department's accommodation portfolio is under way and that an Interim Report is expected in December 2001.

8.4. Executive Programme for Children. Members noted correspondence from the Chairperson of the Committee for Finance and Personnel with an attached copy of a consultation paper on proposals for the management and administration of the Executive Programme Fund for Children.

8.5. Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission (NIHRC): Bill of Rights. Members considered a letter from the Committee of the Centre drawing attention to the consultation document "Making a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland" issued by the NIHRC. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the Committee would write to the Minister to ask if she is making a submission in response to that consultation, on rural proofing in particular.

8.6. Letter from the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). Members considered a letter from BASC requesting a meeting with the Committee to hear a briefing on a number of themes related to shooting sports, Natural Resource Rural Tourism, farm diversification, Countryside Management and Forest Service lands management. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the Committee would write to BASC inviting a written submission and advising that a meeting might be considered in the light of any future consideration by the Committee of relevant issues, such as rural tourism.

8.7. Letter from the Rural Innovation and Research Partnership. Members considered a request from the Chairperson of the Partnership for two hours of the Committee's time to hear a briefing on their programme of research on rural change and development in Northern Ireland. Members noted that papers related to a seminar organised by the Partnership in September 2001 had been supplied to the Committee office. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that, in view of the Committee workload and requests for hearings that are not immediately related to items currently being considered by the Committee, the Committee would write to the Partnership offering to receive a written submission for consideration.

8.8. Letter from the Countryside Alliance in Northern Ireland (CAiNI). Members noted a letter to the Minister that CAiNI had copied to the Committee for information, urging the lifting of the ban on hunting. Members were reminded that the Minister's response to the Committee's letter on the same subject is awaited.

8.9. Finance and Personnel Committee Report on the Draft Budget 2002/03. Members noted that the Committee's input has been included in this report.

8.10. E-mail and Questionnaire from WWF. Members noted the request to circulate the questionnaire to MLAs and endorsed the Clerk's response.

8.11. Belfast Healthy Cities. Members noted the Belfast Healthy Cities Annual Report and Strategy for Equity, Sustainability and Intersectoral Co-operation 2001-2003, which had been forwarded by the Programme Director for information.

8.12. Flood Plain Development. Members noted a 'holding' reply to the Committee's letter of 15 November 2001 to DARD seeking copies of relevant maps and statistics.

Resolved: that the Committee staff would be instructed to follow-up a substantive response.

8.13. Women in Agriculture. The Committee noted copies of the Women in Agriculture colour brochure that had been supplied for each member.

Resolved: that the Committee would write to Women in Agriculture to thank them for the brochure, expressing regrets that Assembly business prevented members from attending the graduation ceremony and brochure launch on 2 November 2001.

8.14. Further Committee Inquiries. Some members raised the matter of future Inquiries on such matters as Bank Charges to farmers, Foot and Mouth Disease, and Rural Tourism.

Resolved: that consideration of further Inquiries will be deferred until after recess when the Rural Development Programme Inquiry report and the Committee's formal response to the Vision Report have been cleared.

8.15New Zealand Traceability Scheme. Members discussed the earlier presentation by the researcher.

Resolved: that the Committee would approach the New Zealand Consulate with a view to arranging a meeting with appropriate personnel from the New Zealand authorities.

9. Date of Next Meeting.

9.1. Resolved: that the next meeting will take place on Friday 7 December 2001 in Room 135, Parliament Buildings, at 10.00am.

The Chairperson brought the meeting to a close at 1.12pm.

Ian R K Paisley

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