Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2001/2002

Date: 19 October 2001

Venue: Room 135

The Chairperson called the meeting to order in public session at 10.14 am.

1. Minutes of Proceedings on 12 October 2001.

1.1 Resolved: that the draft Minutes of Proceedings for 12 October 2001 were approved as amended.

2. Matters arising from the meeting on 12 October 2001.

2.1 Correspondence. Members noted letters to the Minister from the Deputy Chairperson and from the Clerk to DARD about Executive Programme Funds bids and seeking updates on forthcoming business items as originally agreed on 5 October.

2.2 Fishing Vessels Decommissioning Scheme. Members considered and agreed a draft press notice referring to the Committee's input to the finalisation of the Scheme.

Resolved: that the agreed press notice be issued.

2.3 Farm Subsidies (Review of Decisions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001. Members considered a letter from the Ulster Farmers Union about criteria for membership of the independent panel as part of the review process under these regulations, and the DARD press advertisement for nominations to the panel. The Committee agreed that the wording of the criteria was likely to discourage applications from some capable candidates.

Mr Douglas attended the meeting at 10.25am.

Resolved: that the Chairperson will write to DARD seeking information on the arrangements for determining how a candidate meets the knowledge and interest criteria; whether candidates are required to meet any or all of the specified criteria; the level of response to the advertisement; and stating the Committee view that the panel must include primary producer representation.

3. Vision Group Report.

3.1 The Chairperson welcomed the Chairpersons of the Vision Group Sub-Groups and the Vision Group Secretary to the meeting at 10.28 am. They were Mr Arthur Anderson (Food Chain), Mr David Graham (Wider Rural Context), Mr Michael McAree (Foot and Mouth Disease), Mr Derek Shaw (Future Challenges) and Mr Will Taylor (Agri-Food Sector Structures). They were accompanied by Mr Tom Stainer (Secretary to the Vision Group).

3.2 There followed a question and answer session with members on various aspects of the Vision Group report and the Sub-Groups' work. The Chairperson thanked the witnesses and they left the meeting at 11.35am.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11.35am. The meeting resumed at 11.43am with the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Messrs Bradley, Douglas, Kane and McHugh present.

4. Sheepmeat Reform.

4.1 The Committee considered a letter from the Minister conveying the results of consultation on EU proposals for reform of the Sheepmeat Regime and reviewed earlier correspondence. Members deliberated.

4.2 Resolved: that the Committee would write to the Minister advising her of the Committee's agreement with many of the consultation responses and seeking information as to how she would ensure that the consultation responses are taken account of in UK decision-making. The letter should also urge the Minister to strongly support the view that premia should be higher than currently proposed.

Mr Dallat returned to the meeting at 11.47am.

5. TB/Brucellosis Policy Review.

5.1 Members considered a report from the Department indicating that some progress had been made in gathering background information but that the review had been delayed through the diversion of resources to the Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak and the discovery of 54 additional BSE cases in mid-January 2001.

Resolved: that the Committee would seek a meeting with officials as soon as possible.

Resolved: that the Committee would instruct the Assembly's Researchers to review and monitor the reports of the Public Accounts Committee and bring to the Committee's attention any matters on which further scrutiny by the Committee might be appropriate.

6. BSE Testing.

6.1 Members considered a written update from DARD on the BSE testing programme. Although the testing to date had shown a low incidence of 'positives', members wished to clarify whether any of the 17 positives related to animals that could have been admitted to the food chain.

6.2 Resolved: that the Committee will write to DARD seeking clarification.

7. Beef Quality Initiative.

7.1 Members considered a written update from DARD on the Beef Quality Initiative indicating that modified proposals were still being considered by the European Commission, but formal State Aids is expected by the end of the year.

Resolved: that the Committee will write to DARD seeking clarification as to what was included in their revised proposals; cost implications of rejected proposals; the ability of the revised scheme to meet Programme for Government objectives; DARD follow-up action to elicit EC response; and whether there is any action that the Committee or Northern Ireland MEPs might take to hasten a response.

Mr Bradley left the meeting at 12.17pm.

8. Reports of the Examiner of Statutory Rules.

8.1 Members considered the extension of delegation, to the Examiner of Statutory Rules, of its functions under Standing Order 41(1).

Question put and agreed:

That the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development resolves that, in relation to the functions already delegated to the Examiner of Statutory Rules, and its requirement of the Examiner to make reports, it further authorises the Examiner to copy these reports to the relevant Department and to publish them.

9. Dogs (Licensing and Identification) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001.

9.1 Members considered the results of DARD consultation with District Councils that they had sought after examining the proposal for this Rule on 7 September 2001. They noted that the seven Councils that responded were content with the proposals.

Resolved: that the Committee remains content for DARD to proceed to make this rule.

10. S.R.No. 362/2001 - Suckler Cow Premium Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001.

10.1 The Committee considered the Suckler Cow Premium Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001

Question put and agreed:

That the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development has considered the Suckler Cow Premium Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001 and has no objection to the Rule.

11. S.R.No. 363/2001 - Beef Special Premium Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001.

11.1 The Committee considered the Beef Special Premium Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001

Question put and agreed:

That the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development has considered the Beef Special Premium Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001 and has no objection to the Rule.

12. Any Other Business.

12.1 Suckler Cow Premium Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001. Members noted a DARD response to Committee questions on overgrazing penalties, fraud, and the production of herds list printouts that had been raised during consideration of proposals for this Rule.

12.2 Milk Quotas. Members considered a letter from the Minister's Private Secretary covering a proposed consultation paper and draft Regulatory Impact Assessment relating to new consolidated Dairy Produce Regulations that, in addition to implementing an EC consolidated milk quota regulation, will aim to help reduce the administrative burden on the industry, clarify procedures and bring the text into line with existing practice.

Resolved: that the Clerk will consult with DARD officials about the timescale for consultation with a view to a meeting with officials when appropriate.

12.3 Employment Tribunal System. Members noted correspondence from the Chairperson of the Committee for Employment and Learning enclosing papers relating to a GB Department of Trade and Industry document and statistical information on Industrial Tribunals and the Fair Employment Tribunal in Northern Ireland, and seeking comments. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the Clerk will contact DARD to establish if its remit includes responsibilities in relation to Industrial Tribunals and if so, to commission a paper from the Assembly Research Service to inform further deliberations.

12.4 Women in Agriculture. Members noted individual invitations that they had received to the Women in Agriculture graduation celebration and brochure launch at Enniskillen College of Agriculture on Friday 2 November 2001. Mr McHugh declared an interest as a member of the Steering Committee of that organisation. Members were advised of the correct fax number for response and informed that responses could be made through the Committee office if desired.

12.5 Changes in Fishing Vessel Licensing and Capacity Penalties. Members noted a letter from DARD advising that there was no response from local interests to DARD consultation on these changes.

12.6 LMC Inquiry Report. Members noted a letter of thanks and appreciation from the National Beef Association in relation to the Committee's report of its Inquiry into the Livestock and Meat Commission and their specific mention in that report.

12.7 Inquiry into Education and Training for Industry. Members noted a letter from the Chairperson of the Committee for Employment and Learning enclosing a copy of the recommendations from the report of that Committee's Inquiry into Education and Training for Industry.

12.8 Report on Executive Programme Funds - Second Tranche. Members noted a letter from the Chairperson of the Committee for Finance and Personnel covering an advance copy of its Report on Executive Programme Funds - Second Tranche. Members noted that that report incorporates this Committee's response on that subject.

Mr Bradley returned to the meeting at 12.34pm.

13. Committee Business.

13.1 Members were informed of Committee office arrangements over the next week, including the office move from Room 401 to Room 410 Parliament Buildings.

14. Date of Next Meeting.

14.1 Resolved: that the next meeting will take place on Friday 26 October 2001 in Room 135, Parliament Buildings, at 10.00am.

The Chairperson brought the meeting to a close at 12.39pm.

Ian R K Paisley

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