Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2001/2002

Date: 18 January 2002

Venue: Room 135

The Chairman opened the meeting in public at 9.28am with Messrs Armstrong, Bradley, Kane and Paisley Jnr present.

1. Chairman's Business.

1.1. The Chairman gave members an update on various meetings he had attended or was intending to, but none in his capacity as Committee Chairman. These included a meeting he and Mr John Hume MP MEP had with directors of United Dairy Farmers to discuss dairy export refunds, a meeting he had with Lord Whitty and a meeting the three MEPs propose to have with Commissioner Fishler on either the 14/15 February 2002. The Chairman stated that a delegation from the United Dairy Farmers would like to address the Committee.

Mr Dallat attended the meeting at 9.31am.

Resolved: that the Committee should try and arrange a meeting with the United Dairy Farmers on Friday 1 February 2002.

1.2. The Chairman passed on to the Committee the Minister's apology on not being able to appear before the Committee today due to a meeting of the Executive being brought forward. The Chairman also stated that the Minister hoped to speak about Rural Proofing and the outcome of the consultation on the Vision Report during their meeting in February 2002.

2. Minutes of Proceedings on Friday 14 December 2001.

2.1. The Chairman informed members that the word "directive" in paragraph four of their copy of the Minutes of Proceedings, should be deleted.

Resolved: that the draft Minutes of Proceedings for 14 December 2001 were approved as amended.

3. Annual Profile of Premia Payments.

3.1. The Chairman welcomed DARD officials Mr Tony McCusker (Deputy Secretary), Mr Ronnie Jordan (Grade 5) and Ms Bregeen Glendinning (Grade 7) to the meeting at 9.39am. Mr McCusker then made a brief statement.

Mr Douglas and Mr Savage attended the meeting at 9.44am.

3.2. The officials then answered questions from members on a number of items including the amount of claims still to be paid, the percentage of claims that are investigated by the Department, the possibility of streamlining the procedures for making payments, delays in payments and the possibility of a one-off payment.

3.3. During the discussions the officials undertook to provide some detailed statistics and a further update to the Committee at the end of January 2002 and regularly thereafter. The officials also undertook to inform the Committee on the progress of a review of current payment procedures.

3.4. The Chairman thanked the officials and they left the meeting at 10.14am. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the clerk should prepare a press release on Premia Payments, based on the day's discussions, for approval by the Chairman.

4. DARD Counter Fraud Strategy.

4.1. The Chairman welcomed DARD officials Mr Gerry Lavery (Grade 5), Mr Tommy McAuley (Head of DARD's Investigation Unit) and Mr Sean McGuinness (Acting Gd 7) to the meeting at 10.18am. Mr Lavery then made a brief statement, advising that the Minister was keen to address the Committee's comments fully in the final version of the Strategy and outlined others' involvement in consultation.

4.2. The officials then answered questions from members on a number of items including whether legislation will be required to implement the changes outlined in the document, the delay in launching the document, ways of stopping sheep fraud and whether there are similar strategies within countries in the UK and EU.

4.3. During the discussions Mr Lavery undertook to provide the Committee, subject to the Minister's agreement, a copy of the Counter Fraud Strategy when it is near completion.

4.4. The Chairman thanked the officials and they left the meeting at 10.47am. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the Committee would await receipt of the final draft before commenting publicly on the Strategy.

Mr Dallat left the meeting at 10.47am.

4.5. Resolved: that the Committee should copy papers relevant to the Counter Fraud Strategy to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), given that several of the issues had been raised in a PAC report.

5. EU Fisheries Council Meeting and Fisheries Issues.

5.1. The Chairman welcomed DARD officials Ms Evelyn Cummins (Grade 5) and Mr Peter Toner to the meeting at 10.50am. At the Chairman's invitation, Ms Cummins made a short statement.

Mr Dallat returned to the meeting at 10.59am.

5.2. The officials then answered questions from members on a number of items including the possibility of compensation being paid to fishermen because of the Cod Recovery Plan, the length of the closure period, the reasons why the full fish quota permitted was not reached during the previous year and the fish quotas set for the forthcoming year. The officials stated that no case for compensation had been made by the Department and that the resolution of a number of issues would be necessary before the Minister could make a decision.

Mr Paisley Jnr left the meeting at 11.09am. Mr Bradley left the meeting at 11.11am.

5.3. The Chairman thanked the officials and they left the meeting at 11.14am.

Resolved: that the Chairman should write to the Minister inviting her to appear before the Committee at the meeting of 25 January 2002 to discuss compensation for fishermen. Should this not prove possible, the Chairman and Deputy Chairman should seek a meeting with the Minister before a sitting of the Assembly the following week.

6. Matters Arising from the meeting on 14 December 2001.

6.1. Pre-pack Potato Industry. The Committee reflected on previous deliberations on the potato industry, including relevant findings and recommendations of its report "Retailing in Northern Ireland: a Fair Deal for the Farmer"; discussed recent representations to some members by producers and a letter from the Ulster Farmers' Union Potato Committee seeking Committee support. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that UFU Committee representatives would be invited to meet the Committee on 25 January 2002.

Resolved: that the Committee would write to DARD for a progress report on the Department's review of the potato sector, and related issues.

The Chairman declared the meeting to be in private session at 11.29am. The Chairman welcomed the Principal Clerk of Committees, Mr Joe Reynolds, to the meeting. The Clerk, having declared a possible interest in the next issue on the Agenda, withdrew from the meeting.

7. Rural Development Programme Inquiry.

7.1. The Chairman reported the Clerk's concern that, in view of his previous employment in DARD's Rural Development Division, there might be a perceived conflict of interest in his assistance to the Committee in producing its report into the Rural Development Programme. The Clerk had therefore requested an independent assessment of his work to provide assurances that his approach was entirely objective and based solely on the evidence before the Committee and members' deliberations.

7.2. The Principal Clerk explained the arrangements for clerking of committees including management, appraisal and guidance regarding the professional conduct of officers. In his role as line manager he offered to assist the Committee in addressing the Clerk's concern by acting as independent reviewer of the Clerk's work on the Committee's report.

7.3. Members were unanimous in expressing their confidence in the Clerk. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the Clerk was to be commended for his approach to this issue and that the Principal Clerk should act as independent reviewer and report back to the Committee.

The Chairman thanked the Principal Clerk of Committees for his assistance. The Clerk rejoined the meeting and the Principal Clerk withdrew at 11.40am.

7.4. Members were issued with draft papers relating to evidence given to the Inquiry and outline findings emanating from that evidence. The papers included correspondence, minutes of evidence and written submissions to the Inquiry. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that members would examine the documents with a view to discussion of the outline findings at the Committee meeting on 25 January 2002.

Resolved: that in view of developments since evidence was heard, the Committee would write to DARD and to the Rural Development Council to seek updates on the implementation of the Rural Development Programme.

Resolved: that officials would be invited to the meeting on 1 February 2002 and asked to show the video used at the launch of the Strategy.

Resolved: that the Assembly's Research Services would be asked to confirm that the Department's position regarding pro-forma appraisal for projects under £50,000 was in line with current Department of Finance and Personnel guidance.

8. Agricultural Processing and Marketing Grant Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001.

8.1. Members considered a proposal for Agricultural Processing and Marketing Grant Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001.

Resolved: that the proposed regulations would be referred to the Assembly Research Services for advice and that DARD officials would be invited to meet the Committee regarding the proposal.

Resolved: that the Committee would seek the views of farmers' representatives on these proposals.

9. Marketing of Quality Agricultural Products Grant Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001.

9.1. Members considered a proposal for Marketing of Quality Agricultural Products Grant Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001.

Resolved: that the proposed regulations would be referred to the Assembly Research Services for advice and that DARD officials would be invited to meet the Committee regarding the proposal.

Resolved: that the Committee would seek the views of farmers' representatives on these proposals.

10.1. SR 437/2001 - The Plant Health (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001.

10.1. The Committee, having examined the Order in draft on 5 October 2001, formally considered this Rule.

Question put and agreed:

That the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development has considered the Plant Health (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001 and, subject to the Examiner of Statutory Rules' Report, has no objection to the Rule.

11.1. Foot and Mouth Disease (Controlled Area)(No.6) Order (Northern Ireland) 2001.

12.1. Members noted this Order, which did not require to be laid before the Assembly and which removes the prohibition on hunting activities with the exception of hunting of deer, and removes the requirement for licences to move horses within Northern Ireland. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the Committee would write to the Minister for an update on relaxing the ban on deer hunting.

12. Examiner of Statutory Rules' First Report.

12.1. Members noted the Minister's response, to the Chairman's letter raising concerns about criticisms noted in the Examiner's report, and the assurances now given that officials are aware of the Examiner's revised guidance.

13. SR 411/01 - Sheep Annual Premium (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001.

13.1. Members received printed copies of this Rule, which they had considered formally on 30 November 2001.

14. Any Other Business.

14.1. Satellite Monitoring of Fishing Vessels. Members noted the nil response from the industry in Northern Ireland to consultation on proposed UK-wide legislation in relation to satellite monitoring of fishing vessel movements.

14.2. Floodplain Development. Members noted that, in response to a Committee letter, the Rivers Agency Chief Executive has advised that maps showing flood plains and details of high risk areas, areas with history of flooding, and urban and rural flood-risk areas are not currently available on a Province-wide basis; that localised information is available; that there are difficulties and implications in relation to production and publication of comprehensive Northern Ireland data; that officials, if required, will be happy to provide further information on its flood defence strategy and deal with members' questions on known risks in local areas.

Mr Dallat left the meeting at 12.08pm.

14.3. TB/Brucellosis Review. Members noted a letter from DARD giving details, as sought by the Committee, of the administration costs of the TB and Brucellosis testing programmes, and undertaking to provide the Committee with a further update on policy review in February 2002.

14.4. INTERREG III Programme. Members noted that DARD was unable to report the outcome of the programme as a response from the EC is awaited.

Resolved: that Committee staff were instructed to follow-up to secure a report from the Department.

14.5. LEADER + Programme. Members noted the press notice that had been issued by DARD on 17 December 2001 announcing the successful local action groups. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that DARD would be asked to provide details of the allocations to each of the successful groups and to give the reasons for rejection of unsuccessful applications.

14.6. Rural Tourism. Members noted the letter from the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment (ETI) advising that he had passed on the Committee's request for a meeting with Northern Ireland Tourist Board representatives. The Clerk advised that the NITB had been in touch and has suggested a meeting on 8th or 15th March 2002. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that NITB representatives will be invited to meet the Committee on 8 March 2002 and that, subject to ETI Committee timetabling, those proceedings and deliberations thereon will form the basis for the Committee's input to the ETI Committee Inquiry into Tourism.

Resolved: that Hansard would be asked to cover the discussions with NITB representatives.

14.7. Review of Higher Education and R&D in Agriculture and Food Science. Members noted the copy of the response by the Ulster Farmers' Union to the review, which had been sent to the Committee for information.

14.8. Committee's Next Inquiry. Members deliberated on a proposal by Mr Paisley Jnr to institute an Inquiry into the Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak.

Resolved: that the Committee will carry out an Inquiry into the Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak and will consider draft Terms of Reference at their next meeting on 25 January 2002.

14.9. BSE Positive Test Result. Members noted a letter and press release from the Minister advising of a confirmed case of BSE and that DARD Veterinary Service is investigating it. Members also considered and approved a Committee press notice relating to the last EC Food and Veterinary Office Inspection (FVO). Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the agreed press notice relating to the FVO Inspection will issue after the FVO report is published.

Resolved: that DARD would be asked for a report on their Veterinary Service investigation into the confirmed BSE case.

14.10. Sheep Annual Premium Rates. Members noted a press notice that the Chairman had issued on 20 December 2001 following the DARD announcement of the Sheep Annual Premium rates.

14.11. Closure of DARD office in Trillick. Members noted a petition against the closure of this office, that was forwarded by the Speaker after being laid in the Assembly. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the Committee would write to the Minister to ask what action she is taking to secure alternative accommodation for DARD staff in Trillick.

14.12. Newry Agricultural Society Proposed Food Fair. The Deputy Chairman tabled a letter that he had received from the Society about proposals for a Food Fair and seeking financial support for the venture. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the Committee will forward the Society's letter to the Minister, supporting the promotion of Northern Ireland produce through this proposed event.

14.13. Farm Quality Assurance Scheme (FQAS). A member asked if there had been a response to the Committee's enquiry to the Livestock and Meat Commission about the FQAS.

Resolved: that the Clerk was instructed to seek a reply.

15. Date of Next Meeting.

15.1. Resolved: that the next meeting will take place on Friday 25 January 2002 in Room 135, Parliament Buildings, at 10.00am.

In bringing the meeting to a close at 12.35pm, the Chairman welcomed Miss Roberta Foster to the Committee staff.

Ian R K Paisley

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