Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2001/2002

Date: 14 December 2001

Venue: Room 135

The meeting opened at 11.20am - The Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson both being absent, the Clerk took the chair.

1. Appointment of Chairperson.

1.1. The Clerk called for nominations for a member to take the chair. Mr Douglas nominated Mr Armstrong. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that Mr Armstrong would take the chair for this meeting.

The Acting Chairperson declared the meeting open in private session at 11.23am.

2. Minutes of Proceedings on Friday 7 December 2001.

2.1. Resolved: that the draft Minutes of Proceedings for 7 December 2001 were approved with the date amended.

3. Matters Arising from the meeting on 7 December 2001.

3.1. Correspondence. Members noted that copies of letters to the Minister about dairy products export refunds and prescription-only medicines; and to DARD for a decision on the extension of the Vision consultation period, had been issued to them by e-mail. Members also noted a letter from the Minister extending the deadline for consultation on the Report of the Vision Group until 31 January 2002.

3.2. Fishing quotas - Committee Representations to Commissioner Fischler. Members noted copies of the Chairperson's letter to Commissioner Fischler, a related press notice announcing the Committee delegation visit and a press notice issued by the Chairperson following the MEP/Committee joint delegation meeting with the Commissioner. In the absence of members of that delegation, members agreed to accept a short note of proceedings, prepared by the Clerk, who had accompanied the delegation.

Resolved: that the Clerk's note of the meeting would be forwarded to the Minister for information in advance of her attendance at the forthcoming EC Fisheries Council meeting.

4. Environmental Impact Assessment (Uncultivated & Semi-Natural Areas) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001.

4.1. Members discussed a number of issues in relation to the papers covering this draft Rule.

The Acting Chairperson declared the meeting open to the public at 11.45am.

4.2. The Acting Chairperson welcomed DARD officials Dr Harry Gracey and Messrs Ian McKee and Mark Maxwell and invited Mr McKee to make an opening statement. Mr McKee referred to the extensive papers before the Committee, including draft regulations, explaining the background to the regulations; their derivation from an EC Directive; the fact that farming came within the scope of environmental impact assessments in 1991; negotiations with the EC on ambiguities; the UK Government assurance in July 2000 that the Directive would be implemented; and the need for urgency in processing the Rule in the face of EC infraction proceedings that are now under way.

4.3. Messrs Armstrong, Kane and McHugh declared an interest. Officials then answered questions from members, emphasising that the proposed regulations related to change in land use and would not affect established traditional uses of uncultivated land, such as turf cutting. Mr McKee explained the decision-making and appeal process in respect of any farmer who wishes to cultivate land that was previously uncultivated and confirmed that DARD would be looking at the composition of the grassland in the first instance; then the cultivation history of the land in question over the last 10-15 years; and that DARD would take a reasonable and proportionate approach to the implementation of the regulations. The Committee deliberated.

Resolved: that the Committee is content for DARD to proceed to make the Rule.

4.4. The Acting Chairperson thanked the officials and they left the meeting at 12.25pm.

5. Beef National Envelope.

5.1. A response from the Minister to the Committee's comments following members' consideration, on 26 October 2002, of the use of BNE funds in 2002 was tabled. Members noted that the Minister had agreed with the Committee's recommendations for an equal split between beef heifer top-ups and Suckler Cow Premium top-ups, and not to link incentive simply to carcase quality.

6. Any Other Business.

6.1. New TSN Action Plan. Members noted DARD's update on the new TSN Action Plan covering the period 1 July - 30 September 2001, including the development of legislation for a new Processing and Marketing Grants Scheme; the incorporation of New TSN eligibility criteria into EU Grants application forms; the formulation of a forest policy; and preparatory work for the Rural Development Programme Strategy launch.

6.2. Milk Quotas. Mr Kane declared an interest. Members noted DARD's response, to Committee concerns about the apparent drive to eliminate quotas, saying that the milk quota regime was extended to 2008 under the Agenda 2000 Agreement; a mid-term review would be undertaken by the Council of Agriculture Ministers in 2003; and that when that review is initiated, the views of industry representatives and the Committee will be taken into account in formulating a Northern Ireland position, including the possible consequences of the abolition of milk quotas.

6.3. The Enterprise, Trade and Investment (ETI) Committee Tourism Inquiry. Mr Armstrong declared an interest. Members noted the ETI Committee's request for comments in relation to its Inquiry and for a consultation letter to be passed to the Minister, enclosing one to the Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission.

Resolved: that members would defer input, to the ETI Committee's Tourism Inquiry, until after they had met with representatives from the Northern Ireland Tourist Board.

Resolved: that the Committee would forward the ETI Committee's Inquiry consultation correspondence to the Minister.

6.4. DARD Consultation on Statutory Levies. Members noted that, following Committee recommendations in its Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC) Inquiry Report, the Minister had written to say that she is consulting the industry on proposals for change to the current statutory levy arrangements and that subsequent proposals to amend the existing legislation will be sent to the Committee for scrutiny.

6.5. LMC Inquiry Report - LMC Response. Members noted a response from the LMC indicating general satisfaction with the contents of the Committee's Report, but with a list of specific comments.

Resolved: that members would consider the LMC response in detail at a future meeting, along with the Minister's response, when received.

6.6. Minister's Meeting with Farmers in South Armagh on 29 March 2001. Members noted, in response to the Committee's letter of 30 November 2001, a letter from the Minister enclosing a written record of the meeting with farmers to address their concerns in advance of the Foot and Mouth Disease cull.

6.7. Pre-pack Potato Industry concerns. Members noted a letter from the Ulster Farmers Union Potato Committee Chairman expressing the concerns of the pre-pack potato producers about meeting standards and about pricing.

Resolved: that the Clerk would be instructed to prepare a note of the Committee's previous deliberations on potato sector issues, including any information on the progress of DARD's review of the potato sector, and that the Committee would consider it after recess.

6.8. Committee Meetings with the Minister. Members had noted that the Minister had extended the Vision consultation period to 31 January 2002.

Resolved: that discussion of Vision consultation results and DARD's resultant proposals, originally scheduled for 18 January 2002, would be deferred until the Minister's meeting with the Committee on 22 February 2002.

6.9. Members were informed that the Minister had indicated her wish for the Committee to hold their scheduled meetings with her on 18 January 2002, 22 February 2002 and 22 March 2002 from 10.00am - 11.30am. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the Committee was content to meet the Minister on those dates.

7. Date of Next Meeting.

7.1. Resolved: that, as agreed at the meeting on 7 December 2001, the next meeting will take place on Friday 18 January 2002 in Room 135, Parliament Buildings, but that the meeting will start at 9.45am to accommodate the meeting with the Minister.

The Acting Chairperson brought the meeting to a close at 12.38pm.

Ian R K Paisley

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