Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2001/2002

Date: 10 May 2002

Venue: Room 135

The Chairman declared the meeting open in public session at 10.07 a.m. He welcomed Miss Joanne Adair to the Committee staff.

1. Minutes of Proceedings on Friday 2 May 2002.

1.1. Members agreed an amendment to paragraph 6.3 and subsequent amendment to paragraph 6.4 of the draft minutes.

1.2. Resolved: That the draft Minutes of Proceedings for 2 May 2002 were approved as amended.

1.3. Resolved: That the Clerk would seek a meeting between the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Mr Bradley and the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development regarding the closure of the Kilkeel prawn factory.

2. Matters Arising from the Meeting on 19 April 2002.

2.1. Correspondence: Members noted receipt of correspondence by email from the meeting on 2 May 2002.

2.2. DARD Memorandum on Botulism Members noted receipt of a copy of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development's Memorandum on Botulism as part of its ongoing Inquiry into Animal Diseases.

2.3. Resolved: To write to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development seeking clarification on a number of issues raised by Mr Kane and from the paper provided by the Assembly Research and Library Service in relation to the Inquiry into Animal Diseases.

2.4. Alternative Possibilities for Committee Meetings. Members considered advice provided by the Clerk on the availability of rooms and Members with a view to moving Committee meetings from a Friday to allow Members to carry out constituency work on this day. Members also considered dates of future meetings with the Minister.

2.5. Resolved: That the Committee would continue to meet on Friday morning for the foreseeable future and would meet with the Minister on the agreed dates. The Committee would, however, consider after the Summer Recess.

2.6. Visit to Wilson's Potato Packers. The Committee considered arrangements for the proposed visit to Wilson's Potato Packers in Portadown.

2.7. Resolved: A majority of Members favoured an afternoon start to the visit and the Clerk was instructed to confirm a suitable time with the organisers. Members further agreed to advise the Clerk regarding their availability to participate in the proposed visit.

3. Statutory Rules.

3.1. Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002. Department Officials, Miss Kate Davey, Mr John O'Neill and Mrs Sandra Dunbar, joined the meeting at 10.24 a.m. They made a statement and answered Members' questions regarding proposals to introduce legislation to implement an EU Directive for the prevention, control and eradication of certain TSEs.

Mr Paisley and Mr Douglas joined the meeting at 10.26 a.m.

Mr Bradley joined the meeting at 10.27 a.m.

3.2. The Officials confirmed there were only minor differences regarding implementation of the Directive within the UK in relation to compensation arrangements for offspring of BSE infected animals and the 24-month age limit for testing of fallen stock. Members noted that the Department's proposal for the burial of ash from Specified Risk Material incinerations in registered landfill sites is additional to the requirements of the Directive. Officials assured the Committee that this was the only 'gold-plating' to EU requirements and that there was no legislative barrier to prevent regional BSE status for Northern Ireland being sought at a later stage.

3.3. Officials agreed to supply the Committee with further information on the current position of other Member States in implementing testing procedures and introducing any necessary legislation, on whether any other Member State uses ash from household waste in animal feed and on DARD procedures for checking the cargo of late night boats such as the Night Rider. Officials also agreed to provide figures on the incidence of BSE throughout the EU as they becomes available.

3.4. The Chairman thanked the Officials and they left the meeting at 11.16 a.m.

3.5. Resolved: That the Committee was content that the Department should proceed to make the above Rule.

3.6. The Seed Potatoes (Crop Fees) Regulations. Members deliberated on proposals by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to reintroduce fees connected with the inspection function in relation to growing seed potatoes at the 2000 level.

3.7. Resolved: That the Committee was content that the Department should proceed to make the above Rule.

3.8. Eighth & Ninth Report of the Examiner of Statutory Rules. Members noted a letter from the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development about the Committee's concerns regarding three Statutory Rules that the Examiner noted in his Eight and Ninth Reports.

4. Committee Bills - Update from Principal Clerk

4.1. The Chairman welcomed the Principal Clerk of Bills Office to the meeting at 11.20 a.m. The Official gave an update and answered Members' questions regarding the procedures and timescale for bringing forward Committee Bills. The Chairman thanked the Official and he left the meeting at 11.50 a.m.

4.2. The Committee discussed possible options for bringing forward a Committee Bill onto introduce an early retirement scheme and/or a 'young entrant' scheme for farmers.

Mr Ford left the meeting at 12.00 noon

4.3. Resolved: That the Deputy Chairman would provide, for circulation to Members, information on similar schemes in Denmark for Members' consideration and that the Assembly Research and Library Service would be asked to provide a brief report on progress regarding the Committee's earlier research request at next week's meeting.

The Committee moved into private session at 12.10 p.m.

Dr Paisley and Mr Paisley left the meeting at 12.12 p.m. and the Deputy Chairman took the chair.

5. Committee Livestock & Meat Commission Inquiry Report.

The Committee moved into public session at 12.13 p.m.

5.1. Mr Kane read a prepared statement referring to correspondence received from the Livestock & Meat Commission. He proposed that this agenda item and the item regarding LMC correspondence on Farm Quality Assurance Schemes be postponed to allow arrangements to be made for the Committee to examine a named witness regarding alleged changing of meat grading following classification.

5.2. The Clerk expressed concern that the case referred to may be before the courts and drew Members' attention to paragraph 19.10 of the Minister's response to the Committee LMC Inquiry Report. The Clerk advised that it may not be in order to discuss this matter in public session.

5.3. Resolved: Following deliberation, the Committee agreed that further discussion should be adjourned until a later stage and that the Clerk should ascertain the current status of the case and provide a report for consideration at next week's meeting.

5.4. Resolved: That the Committee noted the responses from the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ulster Farmers' Union and Mr Harry Marquess to its LMC Inquiry Report and agreed that further correspondence was not required regarding this matter.

6. Livestock & Meat Commission Correspondence on Farm Quality Assurance Schemes

6.1. This agenda item was adjourned subject to the resolution passed by the Committee in paragraph 5.3.

Mr Ford rejoined the meeting at 12.19 p.m.

7. Fur Farming (Prohibition) Bill 2002.

7.1. The Committee considered a draft Bill and Explanatory & Financial Memorandum to prohibit the keeping of animals solely or primarily for slaughter for the value of their fur. The Bill will bring the law into line with that in England and Wales and with that proposed in Scotland. Members deliberated on the way forward and timescale for consideration of the Bill.

7.2. Resolved: Members agreed the proposed timetable for consideration of the Bill and agreed to consider possible consultees at next week's meeting.

7.3. Resolved: That the Chairman should reflect the Committee's broad support for the principles of the Bill during the Second Stage debate scheduled for Monday 21 May 2002.

8. Any Other Business.

8.1. Adoption by NIMEA of a new beef dressing specification. Members considered a letter from the National Beef Association seeking a meeting to discuss concerns about the possible adoption by members of the Northern Ireland Meat Association of a new beef carcase dressing specification.

8.2. Resolved: To invite the National Beef Association to attend a future meeting of the Committee to discuss their concerns about this matter.

8.3. Inquiry into the Impact of EU Environmental Regulations on UK Agriculture. The Committee noted information provided by the House of Lords European Union Committee and by the Assembly's Committee of the Centre regarding two new Inquiries on the Impact of EU Environmental Regulations on UK Agriculture and on Merger Control.

8.4. Resolved: To advise the House of Lords European Union Committee that the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee had no comment at this time and to request copies of the Report on the impact of EU Environmental Regulations to be forwarded to the Committee should any Northern Ireland related matters emerge.

8.5. Arable Areas Payments. The Committee considered a letter from the Ulster Farmers' Union commenting on the current arable area aid payment arrangements within the United Kingdom.

8.6. Resolved: To forward a copy of the letter from the Ulster Farmers' Union to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development seeking comments and expressing general support for the UFU's position.

8.7. New TSN Action Plan. Members noted a cover note and copies of the relevant extracts from the New TSN Annual Report relating to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

8.8. Healthy Cities Belfast Development Plan. Members noted a copy of the Executive Summary of the Healthy Cities Belfast Development Plan and noted that a copy of the full report was available in the Committee Office.

8.9. Restrictive Licensing Scheme for Key Shellfish Species. The Committee noted a letter from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development regarding the results of its consultation on the potential introduction of a Restrictive Licensing Scheme for Key Shellfish Species in the UK.

8.10. Resolved. To write to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development seeking its comments on the responses made to its consultation at a later stage.

Mr Bradley left the meeting at 12.45 p.m.

8.11. Scallop Technical Conservation Measures. The Committee noted a letter from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development regarding the results of its consultation on Scallop Technical Conservation Measures.

8.12. Resolved: To write to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development seeking its comments on the responses made to its consultation at a later stage.

8.13. Commission Proposals on African Swine Fever & Teschen Disease. The Committee noted a letter from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development regarding the results of its consultation on Commission Proposals concerning African Swine Fever & Teschen Disease.

8.14. Visit to Greenmount College of Agriculture and Horticulture. Members noted a letter offering to arrange a visit to Greenmount College to see and hear about Benchmarking, Life Long Learning and the Rural Portal.

8.15. Resolved: That the Clerk should establish whether or not a June visit would be possible and that the Committee would consider the invitation at next week's Committee meeting.

8.16. Rural Development Commission Appointments. The Committee noted a letter from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development regarding the appointment of new members to the Rural Development Commission.

8.17. Leader Network Scheme. The Committee considered a letter seeking a meeting to update Members on the progress made by the Leader Network Scheme.

8.18. Resolved: To seek a written report from the Leader Network but to advise that a meeting was not possible at this time due to other commitments.

9. Date of Next Meeting.

9.1. Resolved: that the next meeting will take place on Friday 17 May 2002 in Room 135, Parliament Buildings, at 10.00 a.m.

The Deputy Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 1.02 p.m.

Ian RK Paisley

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