Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2001/2002

Date: 08 February 2002

Venue: Room 135

The Chairman declared the meeting open in private session at 10.01am. The Clerk informed members that Mr Murphy had replaced Mr Molloy on the Committee and that Mr Small would replace Miss Foster on the Committee staff after the meeting on 15 February 2002.

1. Minutes of proceedings on 1 February 2002.

Resolved: that the draft Minutes of Proceedings of 1 February 2002 were approved.

Mr Bradley attended the meeting at 10.05am.

2. Matters arising from the meeting on 1 February 2002.

2.1. Correspondence. The Committee noted that copies of the Deputy Chairman's letters in relation to the proposed MEPs' meeting with Commissioner Fischler about dairy export refunds had been e-mailed to members. The Chairman informed members that the meeting did not take place and the letter to Commissioner Fischler was sent to him by fax.

2.2. Farm Quality Assurance Scheme. Members considered a further draft letter to the Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC) and the LMC's invitation to visit their offices or a meat plant. Members deliberated.

Mr McHugh attended the meeting at 10.09am.

Resolved: that, in view of some members' familiarity with meat plant operation and the classification system through visits in a private capacity, the Committee would not accept the invitation to visit on this occasion, and that the draft letter was approved, subject to amendment to reflect that decision.

2.3. Potato Industry. Members considered draft letters to the Minister and to Pre-Packers about producer concerns. A member advised that ware potato growers had concerns that they wished to raise with the Committee. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the draft letters to the Pre-Packers were approved, subject to amendment to include an offer of a meeting with the Committee if desired.

Resolved: that the member concerned would advise the ware potato growers to write to the Committee with their concerns.

Resolved: that the draft letter to the Minister about producer concerns was approved for issue.

2.4. Launch of Good Farming Practice document. Members considered a draft letter to the Minister about attendance at the launch of this document and DARD's 'Farming Today in the LFA' training programme, and noted the related information packs and video. Members deliberated. Mr Bradley voiced his reservations about the letter.

Mr Armstrong attended the meeting at 10.18am.

Resolved: that the draft letter to the Minister was approved for issue.

3. Fisheries Issues.

3.1. The Chairman referred to a letter that had been received from the Anglo-North Irish Fish Producers' Organisation Ltd (ANIFPO) and copies were distributed to members.

The Chairman declared the meeting open to the public at 10.23am.

3.2. The Chairman welcomed Messrs Dick James, Morris Walters, Leslie Girvan and Trevor McKee from the Northern Ireland Fish Producers' Organisation Ltd (NIFPO) to the meeting at 10.23am.<

3.3. At the Chairman's invitation, Mr James made a statement referring to the lack of compensation for fishermen affected by the cod recovery programme; the alleged ineffectiveness of closure policy; and offers to share knowledge and experience being turned down by the Minister.

3.4. The NIFPO delegation then answered questions from members and the Committee heard personal statements from some of the fishermen at the table. Issues aired included the questionable scientific evidence on which Ministerial decisions and representations were based; the tendency for scientists to rely on outdated data and monitoring in places other than where the fishermen knew there to be abundance of fish; the imposition of closure at the Spring period of abundance, thus imposing some 40-48% loss of earnings on the fishermen with no compensation; the unacceptability of such a loss of earnings in any other field of work; the apparent discrimination against the Northern Ireland fishing fleet, when the Republic of Ireland is increasing its fleet; involuntary 'closure' imposed by bad weather; the loss of related local support services such as engine maintenance; and the continuing difficulty of accessing social security benefits, despite Ministerial assurances that something would be done to ease this.

Mr Douglas attended the meeting at 10.57am.

3.5. A Committee member suggested that it might be useful to convene a 'round-table' meeting of all interested parties to try to identify the root causes of the fishing industry problems and identify a way forward.

3.6. The Chairman thanked the NIFPO delegation and they left the table at 11.10am.

3.7. The Chairman welcomed Messrs Alan McCulla, Charles McBride, Alan Chambers and Ian Morris of ANIFPO to the meeting at 11.11am and invited Mr McCulla to make a statement.

3.8. Mr McCulla thanked the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and other members of the Committee for their efforts to date on their behalf. He referred to an omission, in the Department's notes for guidance on the fishing vessel decommissioning scheme, of mention of the 10-year statutory restriction on the purchase of another vessel from outside Northern Ireland; the financial implications for owners who accept offers to decommission; the belief that DARD officials have little concern for the interests of the fishing industry; the lack of response from DARD about the results of an economic assessment of the previous year's closures, and on the Minister's undertaking to seek to reduce the bureaucracy involved in claiming social security benefits; proposed meetings with scientists and fisheries experts from outside the EU; and a proposal for a 'Vision' exercise for the fishing industry to resolve confusion.

3.9. The following discussion with members covered issues including the effects of bad weather (only 4 days' fishing since 15 December 2001); the credibility of scientists who refuse to consider evidence produced by fishermen; allegations of DARD officials being less than helpful to the fishermen and the Committee; alleged harrassment of fishermen who question DARD; and the lack of confidence in DARD officials and their commitment to preserving the fishing industry.

3.10. The Chairman thanked the ANIFPO officials and they left the meeting at 12.11pm. The Chairman adjourned the meeting at this point.

3.11. The meeting resumed at 12.20pm with the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Messrs Douglas, Kane and Murphy present.

3.12. Members deliberated on the issues raised by the fishermen's representatives.

Resolved: that the Committee would write to the Minister, advising her of allegations of errors and omissions by officials, and inviting the officials to meet the Committee.

Messrs Armstrong, Bradley and McHugh returned to the meeting at 12.26pm.

Resolved: that the legislation would be examined to clarify the issue of the 10-year restriction on vessel purchase from outside the Northern Ireland fleet.

Resolved: that the Clerk would be asked to prepare proposals for a fishing industry meeting involving all interested parties.

Resolved: that the Committee would write to the Minister to ask if unavoidable tie-up periods due to bad weather could be offset against the statutory closure period and that if the response is to the effect that it's a UK matter, the Committee should consider seeking a meeting with the Prime Minister.

4. Committee's Inquiry into the Rural Development Programme.

4.1. The Chairman called on members to declare any interest. The Deputy Chairman and Messrs Bradley, Douglas, Kane, McHugh declared an interest.

4.2. The Chairman welcomed DARD officials Messrs Gerry McWhinney and Alan Morton to the meeting at 12.30pm, apologised for keeping them waiting, and invited Mr McWhinney to make a statement.

4.3. Mr McWhinney made a statement outlining progress in implementing the Rural Development Programme, following which members questioned the officials on the issues covered.

During discussions, the Chairman left the meeting at 12.38pm and the Deputy Chairman took the chair. Mr Douglas left the meeting at 12.53pm.

4.4. Following an undertaking by officials to supply a copy of a relevant 'signpost' document and a Rural Development Programme video for each member, and to respond more fully in writing to the Committee's letter requesting an update, the Deputy Chairman thanked the officials and they left the meeting at 1.17pm.

5. Statutory Rules.

5.1. Less Favoured Area Compensatory Allowances Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2002. Members noted that these proposed regulations had only just been received in the Committee office with a request for urgent consideration to facilitate the Department in meeting the 21-day rule. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the Committee would consider this Rule at the meeting on 15 February 2002.

5.2. Welfare of Farmed Animals (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001: Laying Hens. Members noted a response from DARD covering issues raised by the Committee when considering the proposal for this Rule on 9 November 2001.

6. Committee Inquiry into the 2001 Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak.

6.1. Members noted the press notice that had been issued, announcing the Committee's intention to conduct this Inquiry. Members also considered a technical change to the agreed Terms of Reference for the Inquiry.

Resolved: that in the Terms of Reference the term "statutory response" would be deleted and replaced by "statutory agencies' response".

6.2. Members noted a DARD press release announcing further easement of Foot and Mouth Disease controls. A member raised the issue of the continuing need for the 30-day standstill period for movement of cattle and pigs and advised the Committee that farmers' representatives were to meet officials to discuss. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that this issue would be put on the agenda for a future meeting and that, in the meantime, the Assembly Research Services would be asked to advise on the basis for the need for the 30-day standstill period, and of the position in the Republic of Ireland in relation to such livestock movements.

The Deputy Chairman declared the meeting to be in private session at 1.24pm.

7. Committee Inquiry into the Rural Development Programme.

7.1. Members considered further papers and briefing prepared by the Committee Clerk including draft conclusions for incorporation in the Committee's report findings. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the draft conclusions and proposals for inclusion in the Committee's report were agreed.

7.2. Members also considered a paper "The Rural Development Programme Strategy 2001 - 2006" that the Assembly Research Services wished to publish on the Assembly Intranet. Members deliberated.

Resolved: that the Committee had no objection to the publication of the Assembly Research Services document on the Assembly Intranet.

The Deputy Chairman declared the meeting open to the public at 1.26pm.

8. Any Other Business.

8.1. Further Case of BSE in an Animal Born in 1999. Members noted a DARD press release announcing this further confirmed case of BSE and the Minister's response to the Committee's request for an extended meeting on 22 February 2002 to include discussion on BSE testing and the beef export ban.

Resolved: that the Committee would write to the Minister confirming that the meeting with her on Friday 22 February 2002 would be scheduled to start at the originally-notified time of 10.00am and agreeing to limit the session to an hour and a half to cover Rural Proofing; the outcome of the Vision Group report consultations; and BSE testing and the beef export ban.

Mr Bradley left the meeting at 1.30pm.

8.2. Select Committee on the Constitution. Members considered the invitation to provide input to this House of Lords inquiry. Members deliberated.

Resolved: to consider the matter at the meeting on 15 February 2002.

8.3. Rural stress conference. Members noted Armagh & Dungannon Health Action Zone's advance notice of this conference to be held on 20 March 2002

8.4. Leader + Action Groups. Members noted DARD's response to the Committee request for details of funding allocations to successful Groups and information on the unsuccessful applicant group.

8.5. Closure of DARD Office in Trillick. Members noted the Minister's response setting out action being taken to explore alternative arrangements for access to DARD staff in the Trillick area.

9. Date of next meeting.

9.1. Resolved: that the next meeting of the Committee will be held on Friday 15 February 2002 at 10.00am in room 135 Parliament Buildings.

The Deputy Chairman brought the meeting to a close at 1.37pm.

Ian R K Paisley

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