Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2001/2002

Date: 07 December 2001

Venue: Room 135

The Chairperson opened the meeting in closed session at 10.05am. Mr Bradley attended the meeting at 10.06am.

1. Committee Business.

1.1. Members discussed the Minister's letter of 6 December 2001 relating to business that the Committee was to discuss during the session with the Minister today and dates for future meetings with the Minister in the new year. The Chairperson also mentioned that letters from the Department have been arriving in the Committee office late and so not allowing members time to study them.
Resolved: that the Chairperson would bring this matter to the Minister's attention, on her arrival, and ask for a statement on the rural proofing issue.

Mr Ford attended the meeting at 10.08am.

1.2. The Chairperson spoke about the lack of funding assigned from the Budget for the implementation of findings arising from the Vision Group Report. A member also raised the possibility of the deadline for views on the Vision Group Report being extended by one month by the Department.

Mr McHugh attended the meeting at 10.14am.

Resolved: that the Chairperson should seek the views of the Minister on these two points during the forthcoming session.

The Chairperson declared the meeting open to the public at 10.19am.

2. Meeting with the Minister to discuss Fisheries Issues and the EU Food & Veterinary Office (FVO) Inspection Visit.

2.1. The Chairperson welcomed the Minister and DARD official Mr Jim Prentice (Grade 7) to the meeting at 10.21am.

2.2. The Chairperson raised the agreed points on the Vision Group report and on Rural Proofing.

2.3. The Minister replied that she hoped to be able to discuss Rural Proofing on the 18 January 2001; that she will discuss with her officials the possibility of extending the deadline; and that the Department will submit a bid for the implementation of the Vision Group Report as soon as it has decided on the implementation of the findings.

2.4. The Minister then made a statement referring to the forthcoming December Fisheries Council, the proposals by the European Commission for further cuts in next year's total allowable catches in the Irish Sea and how this contradicts the scientific evidence, the Cod Recovery Plan and the support she is seeking from the Irish and British Ministers' when arguing her case at the December Fisheries Council meeting. The Minister and Mr Prentice then answered questions from members. The Committee deliberated.

Resolved: that the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and Mr Bradley, by arrangement with the other Northern Ireland MEPs, should seek an urgent meeting with Commissioner Fischler, if available, in order to lobby strongly for a change in the proposed quota arrangements. The Clerk was instructed to make appropriate arrangements.

Resolved: that the Committee would, in any event, write to the Commissioner expressing their support for the Minister's position.

The Chairperson declared the meeting closed to the public at 10.49am. Mr Prentice left the meeting at this time and the Minister was joined at the table by Dr Bob McCracken (Chief Veterinary Officer) and Mr Stewart Johnston (Grade 5).

2.5. The Minister then made a statement on the visit by the EU Food and Veterinary Office Mission to Northern Ireland from 17-21 September 2001.

2.6. The Minister and her officials then answered questions from members on a number of items including the low incidence of BSE cases in Northern Ireland; how these figures compared to other member states; the number of cattle tested for BSE; and the timetable for publication of the Food and Veterinary Office final report.

2.7. The Chairperson thanked the Minister and her officials and they left the meeting at 11.19am.

Resolved: that the Committee should respect the confidentiality of the information received and discussion held and that it should prepare a press notice supporting the Minister's position and referring to the low incidence of BSE cases in Northern Ireland. This press notice would issue after the EU Food and Veterinary Office publishes its report.

Mr Ford left the meeting at 11.23am. The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 11.25am. The Chairperson resumed the meeting in public session at 11.36am with Messrs Armstrong, Bradley, Kane, McHugh and Savage present.

3. Fisheries Schemes under the Fisheries and Aquaculture Structures (Grants) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001.

3.1. The Chairperson welcomed DARD official Mr Jim Prentice back to the meeting at 11.36am, accompanied by his colleague Mr Peter Toner (Staff Officer). Mr Prentice then made a brief statement.

Mr Dallat returned to the meeting at 11.46am.

3.2. The officials then answered questions from members on a number of items including how the Department prioritised the nine schemes for introduction; how each application under the schemes will be appraised; the alleged problems between the Harbour Authority and some local fishermen; whether an applicant having received a previous grant would affect an application; the procedures under which DARD might amend the scheme conditions; the frequency of calls for applications; the length of time a successful applicant would require to keep records; the penalty system within all the schemes; how the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) will work alongside DARD under the aquaculture scheme; and whether or not the smaller ports within Northern Ireland are eligible for grant-aid under these schemes. The Committee also sought assurances on drafting inconsistencies among the four schemes and on typing errors.

3.3. The officials undertook to rectify drafting inconsistencies and typing errors before the schemes are published. The further undertook to reduce the requirement for applicants to retain documentation to 2012 and confirmed that penalties and other conditions were requirements under Government accounting rules. Officials explained that if a letter of offer had been made to an applicant, the Department would be bound by the conditions contained therein. If DARD sought to change conditions for new applicants, it would issue a press notice and amend guidance notes accordingly. Officials further explained that a pro-forma appraisal method could be used for projects valued at less than £150,000 and a full economic appraisal for those valued at more than that figure. Officials agreed to consider increasing application opportunities to three times a year, rather than twice. Regarding arrangements with DCAL, officials confirmed that there will be consistency in paperwork and joint appraisal of aquaculture applications. Finally they confirmed that smaller ports were eligible to apply for funds under the 'Improvement of Facilities at Fishing Ports' scheme but cautioned that the main economic activity took place in the three main ports.

Resolved: that the Committee is content for DARD to proceed with the Promotion of Fishery and Aquaculture Products Scheme, the Processing and Marketing of Fishery and Aquaculture Products Scheme, the Improvement of Facilities at Fishing Ports Scheme and the Aquaculture Scheme, subject to the changes and undertakings outlined by the officials.

The Chairperson thanked the officials and they left the meeting at 12.14pm.

Resolved: that the Committee should forward a copy of the Aquaculture Scheme to the Committee for Culture, Arts and Leisure for information.

4. Minutes of Proceedings on Friday 30 November 2001.

Resolved: that the draft Minutes of Proceedings for 30 November 2001 were approved.

5. Matters Arising from the meeting on 30 November 2001.

5.1. Natural Resource Rural Tourism Initiative. A member stated that he was concerned that the Department was not assigning enough officials to implement its Natural Resource Rural Tourism Initiative.

Resolved: that the Committee would return to this point when considering its report on the Rural Development Programme Inquiry.

5.2. Correspondence. Members noted letters to the Minister on the matters raised by the Examiner of Statutory Rules first report for 2001/2002; to the Minister enquiring if the Department would be making a submission as part of the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission consultation on a Bill of Rights; to the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment via the Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment seeking a meeting with the Northern Ireland Tourist Board; to DARD seeking further information on INTERREG III and the costs of TB/Brucellosis administration; and to the Rural Innovation & Research Partnership, and the British Association for Shooting Conservation inviting a written submissions on their work. All of these had been e-mailed to members.

5.3. Committee of the Centre - European Inquiry. Members noted the Clerk's letter to the Department seeking information on behalf of the Committee of the Centre in pursuit of its Inquiry and considered their own draft input to the Committee of the Centre's Inquiry.

Resolved: that the draft response was approved and would be sent to the Committee of the Centre.

Resolved: that the information sought from the Department in relation to the Inquiry should be copied to the Committee of the Centre upon receipt.

5.4. Ban on Hunting. Members noted a response from the Minister to the Chairperson relating to the lifting of the ban on the majority of hunting activities, excluding the hunting of deer, with effect from 8 December 2001.

6. Statutory Rule.

6.1. The Committee noted the Plant Protection Products (Levy) Regulations 2001, which are UK-wide and lie outside the remit of the Assembly.

7. Any Other Business.

7.1. Draft DARD Service Delivery Agreement. Members noted a letter from the Minister to the Chairperson explaining what the Service Delivery Agreement consists of and seeking the views of the Committee on the draft document.
Resolved: that the draft Service Delivery Agreement will be issued to all members during recess and that officials will be invited to a meeting soon after Christmas to discuss the draft document in order to provide a response by 31 January 2001, DARD's requested date.

7.2. Countryside Management Scheme: Issue of Second Tranche Agreements. Members noted a letter from the Department which informed them of the proposals to admit applicants to the second round of the Countryside Management Scheme in progressive stages rather than waiting until all farm audit visits are completed.

7.3. Export Refunds on Dairy Products. Mr Kane and Mr McHugh declared an interest. Members considered a letter from United Dairy Farmers about the need for increases in EC export refunds.

Resolved: that the Committee would write to the Minister seeking her views and details of action being taken on this matter.

Resolved: that the Committee would meet with representatives from United Dairy Farmers after the Minister's response is received.

7.4. EC Proposals on Prescription-only Medicines. Members noted a response from the Minister, sharing the concerns of the industry and the Committee about the impact of proposed EU legislation that would require that all veterinary medicines for food-producing animals be prescribed by a veterinary surgeon, and advising that a very strong line would be taken in negotiations to preserve the existing satisfactory system.

Resolved: that the Committee would write to the Minister asking to be kept informed of developments in this matter and of the Minister's, and DARD's, involvement in negotiations.

7.5. Delegation to meet Commissioner Fischler. A member enquired if the delegation should be a cross-party one. The Chairperson advised that, in general, it would be appropriate for the Chairperson. Deputy Chairperson and the member with the major constituency interest in the issue to be discussed, to form a delegation, as the Committee had decided in this instance. Also, a large delegation might not be as likely to be able to be facilitated. Future such meetings and/or visits could be considered on an individual basis.

7.6. LEADER+ Programme. A member enquired if further information on the progress of the LEADER+ programme selection process was available.
Resolved: that the Committee would write to DARD to seek an update when further information is available.

8. Date of Next Meeting.

Resolved: that the next meeting will take place on Friday 14 December 2001 in Room 135, Parliament Buildings, at 10.00am.

Resolved: that the first meeting after Recess would be on Friday 18 January 2001.

The Chairperson brought the meeting to a close at 12.35pm.

Ian R K Paisley

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