Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 1999/2000

Date: 28 January 2000

Venue: Room 135

Mr Savage explained to members that he was acting Chairman in Dr Paisley's absence on House of Commons business.

The Chairman then formally welcomed Mr Dallat to his first meeting following his appointment to the Committee (as agreed at the Assembly plenary on 24 January 2000). He also reminded Mr Dallat to consider whether he now had additional interests to declare.

1. Presentation by the Department on its Spending Plans

The Chairman opened the meeting to the public and welcomed the four Department officials: Mr R. Jordan, Mrs E Cummins, Mr S Johnston and Mr J Ditchfield. He made it clear to the officials that the Committee expected to receive the Department's business plan for comments before it was published.

Mr Jordan made a short presentation placing the draft budget into the context of the three year Comprehensive Spending Review period, making the distinction between the Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) and the Annually Managed Expenditure (AME) and describing the process whereby bids could be made or easements surrendered in-year.

Members raised a number of queries to which the officials responded. The Chairman thanked the officials for their attendance and closed the meeting to the public.


2. Minutes of Proceedings - 21 January 2000

The minutes were agreed and adopted.

3. Matters Arising

  1. Transcript of meeting with the Minister on 14 January 2000

    The Chairman advised Members that only minor amendments had been received from the Minister and none from Members themselves. Members agreed the transcript and ordered it to be printed.

  2. Transcript of meeting with Minister on 21 January 2000

    The Chairman reminded Members that they had received copies of the transcript along with their papers for the current meeting and that all amendments should be passed to the Clerk as soon as possible.

  3. Letters to the Department following the 21 January meeting of the Committee

    The Chairman advised that a letter had issued to the Department on the modulation issue and a second letter had issued covering a number of other issues (broiler chickens welfare code, Agri-monetary compensation, milk quotas and matters outstanding from the meeting with the Minister on 20 December 1999). Copies of these letters were included in Members' papers.

  4. Copies of the Department's full 'Accompanying Measures Plan'

The Chairman advised that the Department had forwarded its full plan as requested at the previous week's meeting and that copies had been included in Members' papers. Members agreed that these papers should be kept confidential to the Committee.

4. Forward Planning for the Committee

The Chairman advised that he had discussed the planning paper with Dr Paisley and that they commended it to the Members as a reasonable programme of activity. Members agreed that the visit to Portavogie, Ardglass and Kilkeel should proceed on 4 February, the retailers should be seen on 11 February and that oral evidence for the inquiry would be taken on the following three Fridays. It was further agreed that full day sessions for this evidence would be preferable for Members rather than a greater number of half days.

Members approved the 2 draft letters to retailers and agreed their issue to the 6 original companies with the addition of Supervalu.

5. Consideration of Statutory Rule

The Chairman reminded Members that they had considered the Statutory Rule at consultation stage and had voiced no concerns.

The following question was put and agreed:

"The Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development has considered The Beef Bones (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999 and has no objection to the Rule."

The Clerk was instructed to take an entry to the Business Office reporting the Committee's consideration of the Rule.

6. Arrangements for Visit to Portavogie, Ardglass and Kilkeel

Mr Cowan ran through the proposed itinerary and explained the transport arrangements. Members agreed these arrangements and indicated their availability for the trip. Mr Douglas advised Members that he had a prior engagement and would not be able to participate. It was agreed that the transcript of the 14 January meeting with the Minister on Fisheries issues should be made available to Mr Dallat ahead of the trip.

7. Any Other Business

  1. Members were advised that 2 press releases had been obtained from the Department outlining the changes to farmers' subsidy payments under Agenda 2000 and detailing a series of meetings throughout Northern Ireland.
  2. Members were advised that the Terms and Conditions of the Republic of Ireland's Special Aid Scheme for pig producers had been obtained by Committee staff and that these were included in Members' papers.
  3. The Chairman referred to the 'petition' to the Committee from Oliver Gibson MLA regarding land drainage and road flooding. Although not all members agreed with Mr Gibson's proposals they agreed that the Committee should write to the Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development and Regional Development seeking their views on this serious issue. The Clerk was asked to draft a letter for Members' agreement.
  4. Members were reminded that the Agriculture Minister would answer oral questions on Monday 7 February 2000.

8. Date of Next Meeting

It was agreed that the next formal meeting of the Committee would be at 10.00 a.m. on Friday 11 February 2000 in the Senate Chamber when evidence will be taken from the retailers.

Ian R K Paisley

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