Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 1999/2000

Date: 21 January 2000

Venue: Room 135

The Chairman formally recorded Mr Haughey's resignation which was tendered on 20 December 1999, following his appointment as a junior Minister.

1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.

2. Matters Arising


i. Potato Growing Industry Issues.

Members discussed the Minister's response to the Chairman following the meeting held on 20 December 1999 and noted her comments on the potato growing industry and the problem of Brown Rot disease.

Agreed: That the Committee would meet with supermarket retailers taking their evidence into account before deciding what further action was required.

ii. Poultry Regulations.

The Chairman drew members' attention to the Department's recent press release: Draft Welfare Code for Broiler Chickens for Consultation.

Agreed: The Clerk to write to the Department to obtain the outcome of the consultation for consideration by the Committee. He should also advise that the Committee should have been alerted to the consultation exercise (and included in it).

iii. Agricultural Wages Board (and other public appointments).

The Committee received assurance from the Department that; the recent appointments to the Agricultural Wages Board were made in accordance with the Guidance and Code of Practice laid down by the Commissioner for Public Appointments. Steps had also been taken to ensure that the Committee was advised, at the earliest opportunity of the Departments intention to advertise Public Appointments.

Agreed: Mr Ian Paisley Jnr. to meet with Mr P Small, Permanent Secretary DARD, to discuss specific matters arising from the recent appointments.

3. Discussions with the Minister on Agenda 2000 CAP Reforms

The Chairman opened the meeting to the public and welcomed the Minister. In his opening comments he advised the Minister that the Committee was greatly concerned that:

  1. they had not received the full Rural Development Regulation plan proposal, but had only been provided with a memorandum;
  2. that funds had not been allocated beyond the first two years;
  3. the Minister should be looking now at how balances from 2001 onwards could be used; and
  4. it appeared from the Department's Memorandum that modulation money was to be used to fund existing commitments.

The Minister said that she had not been advised that the Committee was unhappy at not receiving the full plan and agreed to provide this. She then gave a presentation covering the following matters:

  1. Accompanying Measures.
  2. Use of Modulation.

Members raised a number of questions to which the Minister responded after which the Chairman thanked the Minister for her attendance and closed the meeting to the public.

Agreed: The Chairman to write to the Minister covering points raised during discussions and, in particular, advising that the considered view of the Committee was that:

  1. Annual budgetary considerations should not dictate the spending of this new money. Every effort should be made to secure additional funds to meet the shortfall in DARD's baseline for current schemes;
  2. the Department should immediately put together plans for the use of the surplus funds giving consideration to those schemes proposed by the industry;
  3. the issue of an Early Retirement Scheme needed to be further addressed by government; and
  4. The Committee should have more time to consider such important issues.

4. Agri monetary Compensation - consideration of UFU press release

The Committee considered the UFU's recent press release in which they estimate that EU compensation payable in relation to the drop in farm incomes resulting from the high value of sterling was worth £450 million to U.K. farmers.

Agreed: The Chairman to write to the Minister urging her to pursue the matter of a U.K. claim for Agri monetary compensation as a matter of urgency.

5. Forward Planning for the Committee

Members considered a proposed program of activity and agreed to give further consideration to these in the process of finalising a Committee work programme.

Agreed: The Clerk should arrange for the Department to provide a presentation on Annual and Spending Plans at the next Committee meeting at which members would also commit themselves to a programme of Committee activity.

6. Any other business

  1. Milk Quotas.

    Agreed: The Chairman to write to the Minister asking what her Department's policy was on milk quotas.

  2. The Clerk reminded members that oral questions were due to be put to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development on Monday 7 February and that members should lodge any questions they have with the Business Office by Tuesday 1 February.
  3. The Committee discussed the impending protests at meat plants organised by NIAPA.

Agreed: That farmers were entitled to protest within the law and that Committee members could attend such protests in their capacity as Assembly Members.

7. Date of Next Meeting

The Committee will meet at 10.00am on Friday 28 January in Room 135, Parliament Buildings.


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