Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 1999/2000

Date: 14 January 2000

Venue: Room 135

(Closed Session)

The Chairman informed members that he proposed to make a short statement at the beginning of the session with the Minister. This would set out the Committee's statutory responsibilities and highlight the areas of major concern, which were to be dealt with during the meeting. He also advised the Committee that television crews would be given a few minutes to cover the meeting at the start of the public session.

Item 1 - Apologies


Item 2 - Minutes of Proceedings - 17 December 1999

Subject to a minor amendment to Item 6 - Motion from PJ Bradley re Cattle Tagging - the minutes were agreed and adopted.

Item 3 - Matters Arising

The Clerk stated that members had been provided with a number of papers resulting from the previous meeting:

  1. A summary note of the meeting between the Chair and Deputy Chair and the Minister on 20 December in which the ROI pig farmers scheme, the Fisheries Council, the French Beef ban, modulation of subsidies, cattle tagging and smuggling, importation of potatoes and legal costs against NIFPO Ltd. were discussed.
  2. Copies of press releases and correspondence following the Committee's decision on the Beef National Envelope;
  3. Copies of correspondence with the Minister regarding the Committee's invitation to appear at today's meeting. Members were asked to note that the Minister would return at a later date to discuss the proposed use of modulation funds;
  4. A copy of the letter sent to retailers regarding their potato procurement policy. Members noted that Marks and Spencer and a PR Company acting on behalf of Sainsbury's had made initial telephone contact.
  5. A copy of the letter sent to the Department about public appointments and a further notification from the Department about appointments to the Livestock and Meat Commission. The Department's press release gave the assurances sought by the Committee that the proper procedures had been followed; and
  6. an acknowledgement of the Committee's letter regarding the Limavady Livestock Market and assurance that it would be brought to the Council's attention. The Clerk advised that further correspondence had been received advising that the Council had 'noted' the Committee's letter. Mr. Douglas reported that Limavady Council had in fact decided to allow development on the land. The Committee agreed that this was regrettable.

On conclusion of Matters Arising the Committee agreed to defer consideration of the Statutory Rules until after discussions with the Minister.

The Chairman declared the session open to the public

Agenda Item 4 - Discussions with the Minister

The Chairman welcomed the Minister and made an opening statement in which he outlined the Committee's statutory duties, identified the main areas to be covered during the session and invited the Minister to make a statement which would be followed by questions from members.

The Minister gave a presentation covering the following matters:

  • the outcome of the December Fisheries Council;
  • the scheme for assisting pig farmers in the ROI;
  • assistance for beef farmers in pursuing claims for compensation against the French Government.

Members were given an opportunity to raise a number of questions to which the Minister responded after which the Chairman closed the session to the public.

The Chairman voiced his concern that there appeared to be an air of resignation on the part of the Department and an apparent lack of commitment to propose any scheme to help the hard-pressed pig farmers. Members agreed that they no more reason to feel optimistic about the future of the agriculture industry, in particular pig farming, following their meeting with the Minister.

It was agreed that a short press release should issue regarding the Minister's appearance before the Committee.

Agenda Item 5 - Consideration of Statutory Rules

The Clerk advised that the two Statutory Rules for formal consideration had been among the four proposed Rules considered recently by the Committee at consultation stage. Members had voiced no concerns on either Rule at the consultation stage. Both Rules were for negative resolution.

The following question was put and agreed:

'The Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development has considered the Countryside Access (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999 and has no objection to the Rule.'

The following question was put and agreed:

'The Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development has considered the Marketing of Ornamental Plant Propagating Material Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999 and has no objection to the Rule.'

The Clerk advised the Committee that he would take an entry to the Business Office reporting the Committee's consideration of the Rules and that no further action by members was necessary.

Agenda Item 6 - Agenda 2000 CAP Reforms - DARD's Consultation Paper on use of Modulation funds

Members agreed to await the Department's memorandum and presentation before discussing their views. The Clerk was asked to ensure the presentation took place to allow the Committee sufficient time to feed its opinion back to the Department before the Minister's final proposals were submitted to Brussels.

Agenda Item 7 - Arrangements for proposed trip to Portavogie, Ardglass and Kilkeel

The Clerk updated members on the itinerary for the trip proposed on 21 January 2000. The Chairman reported that one of the fisheries representative organisations had alerted him to an important meeting in Brussels on 20 and 21 January regarding the Cod Recovery Plan. After discussions the Committee agreed that it would be better to await the outcome of this meeting and give the representative organisations time to consider the practical implications, before proceeding with the visit. The visit, as originally proposed, was deferred to a later date.

Agenda Item 8 - Any Other Business

  1. The Committee agreed that the paper received from the Ulster Farmers' Union on Agri-monetary compensation should be discussed as a substantive agenda item at the next meeting.
  2. The Chairman advised the Committee that he had received notification from UTV regarding 'Environment 2000' debates. A copy was circulated to each member and the Chairman said that members should feel free to contribute and to contact UTV individually.
  3. Mr. McHugh asked whether there had been any Poultry Regulations forwarded to the Committee. The Clerk undertook to make enquiries from the Department.
  4. Mr. Molloy informed the Committee that the mushroom industry was also experiencing difficulties and suggested that this issue should be debated at a future meeting.

Agenda Item 9 - Date of Next Meeting

Members agreed that, due to the postponement of the trip to Portavogie etc. the next meeting should be held on Friday 21 January as usual and that the Minister should be invited to make her presentation on modulation on that date.

Ian R K Paisley

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