Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 1999/2000

Date: 09 February 2000

Venue: Room 152

1. Chairman's Introduction

The Chairman advised members that representatives from CWS, Dunnes, Marks and Spencer, Musgrave SuperValu-Centra, Safeway, Sainsbury's and Tesco had confirmed their attendance at the meeting on Friday 11 February 2000, in the Senate Chamber.

He informed members of his discussions with the Speaker regarding the set up of the Senate Chamber for the meeting on the 11 February. The Chairman was most reluctant to sit in the Principal's Chair as he considered this would give the impression of an adversTahoma approach by the Committee towards the Retailers. Members agreed that the proposed arrangement was excessively formal and entirely unsuited to the conduct of Committee hearings, which by their nature should enable witnesses to feel relaxed and welcomed. They asked that the Chairman write to the Speaker asking him to reconsider the matter.

Agreed: That the Chairman would write to the Speaker asking him to give further consideration to arranging the Senate Chamber to facilitate a more conventional committee room set-up.

The Chairman reminded members that the main points arising out of the Committee's discussions with local fishermen for discussion with departmental officials were:

  1. the need for compensation to fishermen during the periods of closure;
  2. the approach adopted by officials at the recent discussions in Brussels about the Cod Recovery Plan proposals;
  3. the size and cost of the operation proposed to police and enforce the proposed closed areas; and,
  4. how officials propose to develop and enhance the value given to the input from local fishermen in influencing further negotiations.

2. Discussions with Departmental Officials: Cod Recover Plan

The Chairman opened the meeting to the public and welcomed the two departmental officials: Mr Gerry Lavery, Fisheries Secretary and Mr Jim Prentice, Grade 7 Sea Fisheries. He advised the officials that the Committee had a number of concerns about the conduct and outcome of the negotiations in Brussels on 21 January 2000, which they would like to address.

There then followed a detailed question and answer session after which the Chairman thanked both Mr Lavery and Mr Prentice for their attendance and closed the meeting to the public.

The Committee then reviewed the answers given during the discussions and agreed that all questions which members did not have an opportunity to ask should be put to the Minister in writing.

Agreed: That the Chairman would write to the Minister asking her to reconsider her stance on compensation to fishermen and to respond to the outstanding questions which were not covered during the meeting with her officials.

3. Date of next Meeting

The next formal meeting of the Committee will be at 10.00 a.m. on Friday 11 February 2000 in the Senate Chamber when evidence will be taken from the major retailers operating in Northern Ireland.

Ian R K Paisley

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