Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 1999/2000

Date: 04 February 2000

Venue: Ardglass Golf Club, Ardglass, County Down

The Chairman explained that he felt it prudent to formally convene the Committee during the Fishing Villages visit to ensure that items of business could be formally concluded. Members agreed that this was the case.

1. Minutes of Proceedings - 28 January 2000

The Minutes were agreed, adopted and signed by the Chairman

2. Matters Arising

No matters were raised by Members.

3. Transcript of the meeting with the Minister on 21 January 2000

The Chairman advised that the Clerk had received no amendments. Members agreed the transcript and ordered it to be printed.

4. Transcript of the meeting with officials on 28 January 2000

The Chairman advised that the Clerk had received no amendments. Members agreed the transcript and ordered it to be printed.

5. Any Other Business

  1. Members considered correspondence from Seed Potato Promotions (Northern Ireland) Ltd. In view of the parallels between the letter's subject matter and other potato issues currently being considered by the Committee (including demands for increased inspection) Members agreed that the Clerk should issue a holding reply. This reply should undertake to examine the issue in depth at a later date.
  2. Members considered correspondence from the UAOS and agreed that the subject raised (biogas plants) would be appropriate to the Inquiry into debt in terms of potential benefits to the industry. Members agreed that the Clerk should issue a response agreeing in principle to a meeting with UAOS in the context of the inquiry and asking the organisation to make a submission to the inquiry.

Ian R K Paisley

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