Complaints Policy Report 2019 - 2020

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Section 1 – Background to the Complaints Policy

1.1 The Assembly Commission, in common with other public bodies, provides a method for members of the public to make a complaint about Assembly Commission staff, services and/or perceived failures in complying with the Assembly Commission’s Equality Scheme.

1.2 The Complaints Policy was revised on 16 September 2016 following advice from the Northern Ireland Ombudsman (NIPSO).

1.3 The Complaints Policy, which is published on the Assembly website, lists the type of complaints that may be made. These are:

  • Our failure to provide a service;
  • Inadequate standard of service;
  • Assembly Commission policies; and
  • Treatment by or attitude of a member of Assembly Commission staff.

The Policy also makes clear the issues that will not be considered under it. These are:

  • Decisions of the NI Assembly;
  • MLAs or their staff;
  • Executive Ministers;
  • Executive Departmental policy; or
  • The merits of decisions taken by the Assembly Commission acting within its legal powers.


Section 2 – Complaints received by the Northern Ireland Assembly

2.1 For the period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 there was one complaint admissible under the Complaints Policy.





Date Resolved

29 January 2020

The complainant felt that the behaviour exhibited by Security and Ushering staff fell below the standard expected.

The complaint was investigated by the Head of Security. At the end of the investigation, which included reviewing both CCTV footage and interviews with staff present during the alleged incident, it was determined that there was no evidence to substantiate the complaint and the complaint was not upheld.

The response was sent to the complainant on 10 March 2020


Section 3 – Conclusion

3.1 The fact that there was only one admissible complaint during the period 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 pays tribute to the efforts of the Assembly Commission in ensuring that its staff conduct themselves and deliver services in a fair and transparent manner. 

3.2 The Assembly Commission continues to endeavour to provide high quality and professional services for the public and minimise the number of complaints received.