APN 11 - 22/27: All Party Group on Reducing Gambling Related Harm, UNSCR 1325, Women Peace and Security, Community Pharmacy and Lung Health

All Party Group on Reducing Gambling Related Harm

A meeting to re-establish the All Party Group on Reducing Gambling Related Harm has been arranged to take place on Monday 27th of June at 12:00 pm in Room 30, Parliament Buildings. The purpose of the group will be to consider the impact of problem gambling on individuals, families and communities.

All Members are welcome to attend and all parties are encouraged to ensure representation on the APG.

For further information, please contact Conor Hogan secretariat@gamharmapg.org, Tel +44 (0) 7565 108306


All Party Group on UNSCR 1325, Women, Peace and Security

A remote/virtual meeting of the All-Party Group on UNSCR 1325, Women Peace and Security has been arranged to take place on Monday 27 June 2022 at 1.00pm using the Zoom platform.

The meeting will focus on re-establishing All Party Group for the current Assembly mandate, electing office bearers and preparing a work plan for the coming year.       

All Members are welcome to attend.

An invite will be emailed separately to each APG member (and, on request, to any other MLAs who wish to attend) providing instruction on how to join the remote/virtual meeting.

For further information and to request the appropriate links and joining instructions for the remote/virtual meeting, please contact the APG secretariat at Women’s Platform on mobile 07483 346816 or email info@womensplatform.org.  


All Party Group on Community Pharmacy

A remote/virtual meeting of the All-Party Group on Community Pharmacy has been arranged to take place on Thursday 23 June 2022 at 2.00pm using the Zoom platform.

In attendance will be representatives from Community Pharmacy NI, including Gerard Greene, Chief Executive.

All Members are welcome to attend.

An invite will be emailed separately to each APG Member (or on request to another MLA who wishes to attend) providing instruction on how to join the remote/virtual meeting.

For further information and to request the appropriate links and joining instructions for the remote/virtual meeting please contact Jude Austin on 07842 530424 or email judea@communitypharmacyni.co.uk.  


Annual General Meeting of All Party Group on Lung Health

A virtual meeting of the All Party Group (APG) on Lung Health has been arranged to take place on Wednesday 15 June 2022 at 12pm noon using Zoom.

This meeting will reconstitute the APG on Lung Health, including election of officers. The meeting is scheduled to last for 30 minutes.

At some point in our lives, one in five of us will have a lung disease. This can vary from common conditions such as asthma, COPD, and sleep apnoea to rarer conditions such as IPF and sarcoidosis.

A ZOOM invitation will be emailed separately to every MLA providing instructions on how to join the remote/virtual meeting.

All Members are welcome to attend.

For further information and to request the appropriate links and joining instructions for the virtual meeting, please contact Austin Orr on 07886 027234 or email aorr@asthmaandlung.org.uk.