Present:The Speaker
Dr Dara O'Hagan
Mrs Eileen Bell
Mr John Fee
Mr Jim Wells
Rev Robert Coulter

In the Chair:The Speaker

In Attendance: Mr T Evans, Mr A Moir, Mr D Millar, Mr A Black and Mrs C McGowan.

1. Minutes of the thirty first meeting were accepted.


2.1. SSRB

Members considered the paper presented by Mr Millar detailing the recommendations from the recent SSRB report on pay allowances and pensions for MPs and Lords at Westminster.

The following was agreed:

- SSRB to be asked to review pay, allowances and pensions payable to Members;

- The Speaker to ask Whips if they would like the review to cover pay scales for Party staff;

- The Commission to inform the Assembly before the Summer Recess of its intention to invite SSRB to review the current pay, allowances and pension arrangements;

- The SSRB recommendations relating to pensions to be referred to the Pension Trustees.

Dr O'Hagan expressed her concerns about the need for a review.
Members agreed to consult with their Parties.

Mr Wells left the meeting at 4.15 pm.

2.2. Equality Issues

Mr Evans presented a position paper on equality issues. Members noted the progress which has been made in promoting equal opportunities through the development of an equal opportunities policy and recruitment principles and endorsed the proposal to begin work on an equality scheme in anticipation of the Commission being designated as a Public Authority under section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. It was also agreed that a revised Equal Opportunities Policy and recruitment principles paper should be tabled at an early Commission meeting.

2.3. Staff Attitude Survey

The Commission approved the attitude survey presented by Mr Moir.

2.4. Access to Galleries

The Commission approved the proposals for improving public access to the Galleries on a trial basis.


3.1. Catering Report

Rev Coulter agreed to be part of the tender assessment panel for the re-tendering of the catering contract.

The Commission agreed that the Catering and Functions Committee should be invited to an early Commission meeting after the Summer Recess to discuss staffing issues and proposals relating to the Members' Dining Room and Press Bar.

3.2. Alternative Energy Sources

The Commission approved the proposals in Ms Cleland's paper subject to the inclusion of comments provided by Dr O'Hagan.

3.3. Security Passes

The Speaker confirmed that a reminder about the expiry date for the old passes would issue on 28/29 June.

3.4. Off-Site Committee Centres

The Speaker reported that the proposal to revise Standing Order 47(7) was brought to the Assembly on the 19 June by the Chairman of the Committee on Procedures and carried after a division. The Commission agreed that Mr Leslie's point, about ensuring standardised conditions in both locations, should be referred to the Chairmans' Liaison Group.

3.5 Assembly Award

The Speaker informed Members that invitations would issue by the end of the week.

3.6 Audit on Disabled Access

The Commission agreed to implement the recommendations in Ms Cleland's paper relating to staff training and signage. Ms Cleland to bring back a paper outlining the costs involved in implementing the substantial proposals for consideration after the Summer Recess.

3.7 Party Allowances

Mr Evans and Mr Millar to prepare a revised paper on Party Allowances before the Summer Recess taking account of feedback from the consultation process.

3.8 Poppies and Lilies

Members noted the list of artefacts and agreed to defer this matter until after the Summer Recess. Contact to be re-established with the Ulster Museum over the Summer Recess.

3.9.Whitley Council

Commission Members agreed to meet with local TU representatives and Mr K Bannon from NIPSA headquarters at 2.00 pm on 5 July at Annex C.

3.10. Health and Safety

The Speaker confirmed that he had signed the policy statement which would be displayed throughout Parliament Buildings.


4.1. Mr Evans to check with DFP about the timing of the Minister's response to the Speaker's letter regarding the Economic Appraisal. Members agreed that DFP should now be asked to proceed with the purchase of Ormiston House on behalf of the Assembly Commission.

4.2. The Commission agreed that the tender process for the temporary building should be progressed over the Summer Recess and that a paper be prepared for the next Commission meeting setting out the functions to be relocated at Ormiston House.

4.3. Mr Wells has written to Mr S Wilson offering a meeting to discuss possible options in response to the request from the East Belfast Tourist group for unsponsored access to Parliament Buildings.


5.1. Rotation of Principal Assembly Clerks

The Commission endorsed Mr Moir's proposals for rotating Principal Assembly Clerks.

5.2.Review of Terms and Conditions and Pay and Grading

The Commission endorsed Mrs Bells recommendation that PriceWaterHouseCoopers be awarded the contract for the review of the Assembly's terms and conditions and pay and grading.

5.3. Head of Procurement

The Speaker advised Members that the position would be advertised in the local papers and Irish/London Times this week.

5.3. Director of Legal Services

The Speaker informed the Commission that there had been forty expressions of interest as a result of the advert.

5.4.Clerical Supervisor / Clerical Officer

The Speaker informed Commission Members that over six hundred applications had been received for each post.

5.5.Assistant Assembly Clerk

Mr Millar tabled proposals relating to the Assistant Assembly Clerk competition which will be discussed at the next meeting.

5.6.Ulster Scots Fair Employment Case

The Speaker advised the Commission that the case was dismissed by the tribunal following a two-day hearing and that a written judgement will be available in two weeks.


Monday 2 July 2001, 4.00 pm - 6.00 pm.


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