AT 3:30 PM IN ROOM 106

The Speaker
Mrs E Bell
Rev R Coulter
Mr J Fee
Mr J Wells
Dr. D O'Hagan

IN THE CHAIR: The Speaker

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr T Evans, Mr A Moir, Mr G Cosgrave, Mr P Carlisle, Mr A Black, Mr D Millar and Miss G Campbell.

Mr G Loughran and Mr G McPeake were in attendance for Agenda Item 1


1.1 The Speaker, in welcoming Mr Loughran (Head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service) and Mr McPeake (DFP Central Personnel Group), outlined the background to Mr Loughran's attendance.

1.2 Mr Loughran detailed his concerns about the enhanced terms and conditions being offered to Civil Servants seconded to the Northern Ireland Assembly compared to the arrangements in the mainstream Civil Service. There was consensus that the Assembly's terms and conditions only apply to the period of secondment and that the decision to return to the NICS is a matter for individual members of staff.

1.3 It was agreed that there was a need for better communication between the Assembly Commission and the NICS and that Mr Evans should be the point of contact with DFP's Central Personnel Group.


The minutes of the twenty-ninth meeting of the Assembly Commission, held on the 1 May 2001, were accepted.

Dr O'Hagan thanked Members for the letter of condolence following the death of her father.


3.1 Student Intern Programme

Mr Evans advised that QUB had contacted Party Whips and that four students are to be placed with the Secretariat and one with the PUP in the first semester. It is also planned that four students will be placed with the Parties and one with the Secretariat in the second semester.

3.2 Catering Report

Members agreed the revised terms of reference for the development of the Gift Shop. Mr Carlisle to progress with the Office of the Keeper.

3.3 Facilities for Non-Government Bills

Mr Evans advised that Mr Patterson and Mr Arnold had visited the Scottish Parliament to discuss drafting support for Committee and Private Members' Bills. A paper setting out the key milestones for the tender process is to be tabled at the first meeting following the election.

Mr Evans advised that he had acquired a practical guide to Private Members' Business during his recent visit to Canada which he will make available to the Clerk Assistant's directorate.

3.4 Paper on Alternative Energy Sources

Ms Cleland to prepare a paper setting out practical recommendations for the first meeting after the elections.

3.5 Security Passes

The Speaker advised that the issue of new security passes continues to progress satisfactorily. The Head of Security to issue a memo advising of the expiry date for the old passes.

3.6 Off-site Committee Centres

Mr Evans reported that legal opinion has confirmed that a quorum can be achieved with the use of video conferencing. Members agreed the amendment to Standing Order 47(7), proposed by the Procedures Committee, which will be put to the Assembly at the earliest opportunity.

3.7 Assembly Award

The Speaker advised that this matter was progressing satisfactorily and that it was hoped that an award ceremony for the Fire Service could be arranged before the Summer Recess.

3.8 Notification of Events

Mr Cosgrave advised Members of two options for the provision of a notice board in the Great Hall. It was agreed that the costs of both options are prohibitive and that Mr Black should work with Mr Cosgrave in developing an in-house solution.

3.9 Audit on Disabled Access and IT Developments

Mr Evans advised that there had been two separate meetings with Members regarding disabled access and that Ms Cleland is preparing a paper for consideration at the next meeting.

The Commission endorsed Mr Black's proposal to charge for enhanced access to the Parliamentary Online Indexing System (POLIS) in line with Westminster arrangements.

Mr Fee highlighted that researchers were having difficulty accessing information from NICS departments. The Speaker advised that Ms Campbell will pursue this matter through the Assembly / Executive liaison group.

3.10 Messaging Service

Mr Evans advised that Mr McAteer has completed the consultation process and will table a detailed proposal for consideration by Members in June.

3.11 Party Allowances

Mr Evans advised that he has written to Party Whips extending the deadline for responses to the consultation process to Friday 15 June 2001.

3.12 Poppies and Lilies

Mr Wells advised that he would be returning to this issue after the General Election.

3.13 Grading Review of Principal Assembly Clerks / Assembly Clerks

Members were advised that a briefing session for Principal Assembly Clerks and Assembly Clerks had been held on Friday 18 May 2001. Mr Moir has arranged a de-brief session to include Mr Fee and Mr Wells, who had attended as representatives of the Assembly Commission. A full report to be made at the next meeting.

3.14 Assembly Clerk correspondence

It was agreed that Mr Moir should respond to the correspondence from an Assembly Clerk regarding the recent Principal Assembly Clerk / Assembly Clerk competition but that the response should be circulated to Commission members prior to issue.

Members noted correspondence between the Recruitment Office and an unsuccessful candidate for the Editor of Debates/Deputy Editor of Debates competition. Dr O'Hagan proposed that the Assembly's recruitment procedures should be proofed by the Equality Commission. It was agreed to give further thought to this issue.

3.15 Upper Car Park Pass

Members were advised that the Head of Security has referred the request for an upper car park pass back to OFM for additional information.

3.16 Whitley Council

Members agreed that Trade Union representatives should be invited to a future Commission meeting.

Mr Moir advised that he had written to NIPSA proposing some amendments to the draft Constitution. Members agreed with Mr Moir's suggestion that the Head of Administration should chair Whitley meetings.

It was agreed that Ms Cleland should speak to Commission members on an individual basis about the Health and Safety policy.


Members cleared the draft response to DFP and agreed that the additional research should be incorporated into the revised economic appraisal.

Rev Coulter left the meeting at 17:35.


The Speaker left the meeting at 17:40.

Following discussion, Members asked Mr Evans to conduct further research into the arrangements in other legislative bodies.

The Speaker returned to the meeting at 18:00.


Mr Moir presented a paper setting out proposals for the development of the Assembly's procurement functions. Members agreed that a head of Procurement should be recruited and that a small procurement section should be established.


7.1 Tax Exemptions

The Speaker advised that he had received a letter from Treasury confirming that tax exemptions do not apply to visits to regional Parliaments. Members agreed that the Speaker should write to the Scottish and Welsh Speakers seeking their views on the merits of a combined submission.

7.2 Replacement of Security Kiosks

Members agreed that DFP should be given approval in principal, subject to provision of more detailed proposals, on the location and design of the new kiosks. The Commission approved DFP's request to replace the three security huts but asked for more details on the location and design of the new kiosks.

7.3 Correspondence from East Belfast Tourist Group

Members considered the correspondence from Mr Sammy Wilson MLA asking that tour operators be allowed to conduct visits to Parliament Buildings. Members agreed that Mr Moir should bring back proposals for consideration at the next meeting.

7.4 Delorean Owners Association

Members approved a request to have an organised photo shoot on the lower plateau.

7.5 The Commission approved the Head of Security's request to have access to the Members' bar and dining room.

8. Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 12 June 2001 at 5.00 pm in room 106.

Tom Evans

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